Chapter 13- Cherry Picked Secrets

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June 13, 2023

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June 13, 2023

"Ready for cherry picking?" Julian sing songs as me and James stride up on our horses. I'm riding Hazel, who has quickly become my favorite with her lively personality, and James is riding Annie, the youngest of all 5 horses.

"That sounds like a euphemism," I cringe while James and Julian laugh. Today the three of us are picking cherries at Cherry Ridge, Julian's family's cherry farm.

"When did you get your cherry picked," Julian asks nonchalantly as me and James discount from the horses and hitch them up to a tree.

I gasp, "Julian Wymore!"

"What?" He exclaims, holding up his hands innocently. "You brought up the euphemism thing with your dirty mind," he winks. "I just brought the convo a little further."

"Bro we haven't even talked about that yet," James speaks up.

"Hey, I'm a curious man," Julian laughs as he starts to pick the best cherries. "So?" He looks at me over his shoulder.

I look at James, "are you okay if I tell him?" I ask, not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

He nods, walking beside me. "Are you okay with him asking?" He asks, low enough so only I can hear. I nod. "Then go for it. But only if you are comfortable answering," James whispers, making me smile.

"Junior year," I finally answer.

Julian whistles under his breath, "damn. You lost yours younger than James," he laughs.

I look questioningly at James. "Senior year," he shrugs an explanation.

We both look at Julian, "when did you lose yours?" I ask.

"Freshman year," he says casually.

"Wait, what? You must have been like 14," I shriek.

"Yup," he nods his head, not sparing me a look. "Amy Johnston," he laughs.

"Who was your first?" I ask James, now wanting to know. Not jealous at all...

"Hillary Price," James answers after a moment. "Damn," he chuckles under his breath, "almost forgot her name." Oh, okay. Now I'm a little less jealous.

"Who was yours?" Julian and James ask at the same time. The two trade looks, shaking off a laugh, before turning back to me expectantly.

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