Chapter 31- The Wedding Night

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July 5, 2023

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July 5, 2023

"Wait right there," James turns off the car and jumps out of the car, rushing around to my side. He opens up my car door before I can and lifts me up into his arms. "This dress is surprisingly light," he notes, carrying me toward the door.

"Thank god it is. I would have died otherwise," I laugh. "Let's take off our clothes and put them up before doing anything. I really don't want to ruin these clothes," I tell him.

"Alright fine," he agrees, probably slightly irritated. "But first," he manages to open the door with one hand, "welcome home Mrs. Bridgewater," he says, shelling through the threshold.

"I love it, Mr. Bridgewater." I leave out the fact that I've lived here on and off, and permanently for over a year combined. "Now unzip me and get out of your own clothes," I tell him. He laughs but places me and unzips the back of my dress with ease. I slip it off and place it on the couch to deal with later as I make my way up to the bedroom.

Instead of going to the bed I head to the bathroom, undressing and jumping into the shower. The hot water instantly relaxes my muscles. I don't stand under the water for long before sun kissed, muscle corded arms wrap around my waist. I lean back into him and let out a sigh that quickly turns into a moan when I feel his hard length pressing into me.

"You like that?" He whispers into my ear, hand trailing down between my legs. "That's what I thought," James bites my ear when he feels how wet I am. He trails a finger through my folds. I cry out when he inserts two, pushing them in before pulling them out and repeating it again and again and again.

"James," I moan, trembling on his fingers.

"I love you, Aloura," he whispers, groaning out when I push back into him. The combination is deadly and I come almost instantly. I'm still riding on the high when he pulls his fingers out, spins me around, and picks me up. I instantly wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me up against the tile shower wall and slams into me. I yell out, not expecting it but needing it all the same.

He throws his head back with a growls as he slams into me again. I open my eyes and the sight before me is a work of art. James's beautiful dark brown hair is now black thanks to the hot water spraying down on us. Droplets of water bead across his sharp jawline and I can't help but to lean forward and lick them off in one long line.

"Fuck babe," he groans, the sound pooling right in my tightening core. He leans down to look at me, eyes so dilated I almost can't see the warm chocolate brown in them. "So tight. You were made just for me."

I lean in and kiss him hard. "Say it again," I whisper.

"Just for me," he kisses me again. "You were made just for me," and again. I part my lips and let his tongue find mine. His hips keep pumping into mine, drawing out moans and screams from both of us.

"James," I plead.

"Come for me," he leans forward, pressing his forehead to my neck. "Come for me Mrs. Bridgewater." And that does it. I go over the edge, stars forming in my vision and my throat going hoarse from my screams. "That's it," James whispers into my ear. Goosebumps cover my body as I tremble around him.

While I catch my breath, James turns off the shower and takes us to the bed, not having washed anything. He lays me down, still inside me. And that's when I realize he hasn't come yet. It's like he reads my mind because before I can ask he looks at me and winks, "I said I'm going to make it count." My core already starts to tighten again just from his words, even though I've already had two orgasms. He pulls out and grabs a condom, putting it on before climbing back into the bed.

"Let me take care of you," I insist, climbing on top and straddling him.

"I could never get tired of this sight," he lays back on the bed, eyes trailing down my torso. I use my hand to line us up before slowly sinking down on him. "Damn," he groans as I rock my hips into his. I lean forward, my arms on either side of his head as I fuck him slowly.

"So perfect," he compliments in a rough voice as he cups my tits with his hands, massaging them. My hair falls into my face from my movements. James reaches up with one of his hands to push it out of the way, fingers trailing through the ends thoughtfully. "Your hair is so soft," his gaze moves up to meet mine for a brief moment. "And so is your skin," he squeezes my nipple before trailing his hand down to my stomach. I tighten every muscle as he touches it. His touch, hot and faint.

I lean forward further, my breasts touching his chest, needing as much of our skin to touch as possible. His hips grind up to meet mine, tension building within me. I lean in and kiss him needily. "Fuck yes," I moan against him as I pick up the speed of my movements.

"Faster baby," James groans, pulling my lip in between his teeth and biting lightly. Flame burns deep within me and I pick up the pace.

His breathing becomes labored and I know that he's close, so I lean in and whisper into his ear, "It's so hot fucking my husband." He groans, so very close. "Having his cock deep inside of me," I whisper. His body tenses and I know that he's coming so I brace my arms and pick up my speed even further, wanting to watch him come undone by me for as long as possible.

"Elle," he groans out through gritted teeth. After his orgasm has washed away, I climb off of him and onto the bed, exhausted by the wedding but mainly from being thoroughly fucked by my husband. Husband. I will never get tired of thinking or saying that. James Bridgewater is mine and mine alone. Mine forever and ever.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me to him, coming back to the bed after throwing away the condom.

"I can't believe we're married," I sigh with satisfaction.

"Me neither," he kisses my head and blows out a breath. "I've dreamed of this day for almost as long as I've known you."

"Really?" I sit up and look at him.

"Really," he nods. "You're the girl of my dreams and everything I've ever needed."

"I love you," I grin, settling into his side again.

"Forever and counting," he kisses the top of my head.

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