Chapter 19- Araceli, West, and the Stars

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June 24, 2023

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June 24, 2023

"I was wondering..." I say to James as soon as he walks inside from work.

"About what?" He chuckles, kissing me on the cheek and heading for our bedroom.

"I want to do a picnic tonight for dinner," I follow closely behind him. He spins around on the top step to look at me. I stop and wait patiently, pleading with the biggest puppy dog eyes I can muster.

He hums, "okay, but I choose the spot."

I jump up and down and throw my first in the air, "hell yes! You go shower and I'll make dinner." I rush downstairs, the sound of James's laugh behind me.

"Slow down, you'll hurt yourself," he calls to me.

"Not as much as I'll hurt you if you don't hurry, James Bridgewater," I yell back, already starting to make our sandwiches. I smile to myself at the sound of James faint laugh. I could never get tired of that sound. It's so warm, deep, and rich. It's almost addicting.

"Where are we going?" I question, looking out the window as we drive up a curving gravel road

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"Where are we going?" I question, looking out the window as we drive up a curving gravel road. Trees obscuring my view of what's beyond.

"Somewhere I've been meaning to take you for awhile," James answers vaguely.

I stop myself before I huff, trusting him with his picnic location which remains a mystery. After about 10 more minutes, the trees clear and I gasp at the sight in front of us.

We are on a hill, the deep blue sky with the almost setting sun in the background. Rolling hills full of luscious green grass surround us. But more importantly a cemetery is front in center, sitting a few feet in front of us.

"James?" I whisper, turning to look at him. I think I know where we are.

"Come on," he smiles at me and kisses my hand before turning off the car, and getting out of his door.

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