Chapter 2- Together

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June 2, 2023

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June 2, 2023

I run into the house and straight upstairs, right to our room. I hear James close behind me but don't know exactly how close until I am launched onto the bed as soon as I make it into the room.

I land with an 'oomph' before flipping over and laying on my back, wanting to be with James. I don't think I've ever liked sex so much, but with James it's different. It's not just an action. It's something more, deeper; building a connection almost.

"You're gorgeous. Absolutely breathtaking, Elle," James says as he strips out of his clothes at the end of the bed. I smile, taking off my dress.

"I could say the same thing about you," I wink. He draws closer, grabbing my legs and pulling me down to the end of the bed.

He leans down and kisses my lips, then my jaw, neck, and all the way down to my waist where I stop him. He looks up at me and I shake my head. We've gone down on each other many times in the last few months, but I don't want that tonight.

I place my hands on his cheeks and softly pull him back up to me, deeply kissing him. I scoot up closer to the headboard and grab a condom from the bedside drawer and roll it on his shaft slowly. Stroking him a few times, relishing in the moans that it draws out of him.

James takes over and leads his hard length to my entrance. I flick my eyes away from his and moan, watching as he slowly seats himself deep inside of me. By far the hottest thing I've ever witnessed.

My gaze shifts back up to James as I grind my hips into his. "Elle, babe, you're killing me," he groans as he tilts his face up to the ceiling, eyes closed in ecstasy. His Adam's apple bobbing when he swallows, making me want him all the more.

"James, make me come," I beg. He opens his eyes and looks down at me, hunger deep within them.

"You don't have to ask again," he grunts as he makes faster, deeper strokes. I grab onto his shoulders, trying to hold myself in place as he fucks me relentlessly.

Sweat is dripping from our bodies as we moan in unison, chasing our orgasms. "James," I moan, almost reaching climax. He leans down and captures my lips in a kiss, so warm and deep.

My body shudders against his as I come. "Yes, baby. Give it to me. Give me everything," James rasps against my mouth. His words are almost enough to send me toppling over the edge again.

He flips us over so that I'm riding him now. I take a second to get my bearings before I start to move. I glide up and down his cock, slick with my arousal.

James reaches up and cups my breast with his hands, massaging gently. "Fuck, babe," I moan, leaning into his touch.

He locks eyes with me, "give me another one. Let me see you come undone. Fuck yourself on my cock." I lean forward and press my hands on his chest to gain more leverage, before rising up and sinking down on him completely. I repeat this motion repeatedly, my eyes rolling to the back of my head each and every time.

"Almost there," I moan. James locks eyes with me once again, the love I see in them sends me over the edge. I lean forward, my breathing quickening, as I ride through the waves of my oragasm. James comes soon after I do, moaning my name so many times I lose count.

After one last kiss, I roll off of him and flop onto the bed, panting. James smirks as he disposes of the condom and returns to the bed, gathering me in his arms and kissing my hair.

My hand brushes across his chest, lingering on his necklace. "I love you," we accidentally say in unison, laughing together at how in sync we are.

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