Chapter 16- The Gang

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June 16, 2023

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June 16, 2023

Me and James make it to the bowling alley before everyone else. I rush inside while James laughs, walking slowly behind me. I've already paid for everyone and gotten my shoes when James makes it to me.

"Good thing we got here early. Lola and Seth just got-" He's cut off when Lola comes charging through the door and right to me. I squeal and hide behind James.

"Elle!" Lola whines. "I said you didn't have to repay me for brunch." I peak around behind James, making sure the coast is clear and I won't be tackled to the ground in retaliation, before completely stepping into view.

"And I said that I would pay you back. You have to be quicker than that," I taunt, taking off down the large hall. Lola is fast behind me. We laugh and run around for a few minutes, Lola chasing after me the whole time. I make a loop around the room and back to James, hiding behind him once again as he sets up our lane.

"Nope," he laughs. "You started this. I told you that she would get you back."

Seth laughs as he holds Lola back. "I said we should have gotten here sooner," he tells her.

"How was I supposed to know that they would show up a whole 30 minutes early?" Lola complains, trying to break free from his grasp. I stay next to James, where I'm safe.

At least I thought so until someone picks me up from behind and whirls me around. "Julian," I squeal, the room spinning around me.

He laughs as he places me down on the ground, "Hey, E." Julian adopted the nickname for me the day we went cherry picking.

"Hey, yourself," I laugh. I hear footsteps and before I can run away, Lola has pounced on me. Seth and James laughing at the sight.

"Julian, you distracted me," I pout.

"Ope, sorry," he shrugs. "How was I supposed to know that my sister has a vendetta against you currently."

"You can get her away from me to pay me back," I smile up at him.

"This whole thing is about paying people back," Lola laughs, not letting go of me as Seth attempts to pry her arms away.

"What do we have here," Preston laughs, coming down the steps with his bowling shoes in hand.

"A pile of dummies," James chuckles, watching the group of us from afar.

"You gonna get your man or am I?" Julian smirks wickedly at me.

"Lola, please let me go. I would like to show a certain someone who the only dummy is around here," I plead.

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