Chapter 28- The Big Day

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July 5, 2023

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July 5, 2023

"Alright James," my mom pushes him out the front door. "We need to get her ready and you need to head to your grandparents's house and get ready too.

"Let me say goodbye," he pleads, trying to move past her.

"You did," Lola sighs, exasperated.

"Five times," Gracie, my cousin and bridesmaid, reminds us.

"One last time," he stares at me from across the room.

"Fine," my other cousin and last bridesmaid, Vera, sighs. She moves out of the way and James brushes right past my mom and heads straight for me.

As soon as I'm in his arms again I let out a deep breath, a little nervous about everything. "I'll see you in a little bit," I whisper, holding onto him as right as possible. "And when I do, I'll be walking down the aisle."

"I don't want to wait. I want you to have my last name and be my wife right now," he whispers back, desperation in his words.

"Like 4 more hours tops," I chuckle softly. "The sooner you leave, the sooner I can get ready and make it down the aisle."

"I know," he sighs. Leaning down he gives me one last kiss before the one at the altar. "I love you," he whispers, looking into my eyes.

"Forever and always," I whisper back, letting go of him reluctantly. He slowly makes his way to the door, giving me a final look of longing before leaving and closing the door behind him. I sigh, reminding myself that the next time I see him it will be when I walk down the aisle. We spent most of the afternoon together watching movies to continue our streak of movie nights and to make up for the fact that we will be too busy tonight to watch one.

"Finally," Vera sighs dramatically.

"Oh come on that was cute," Gracie sighs wistfully.

"Are they always like that?" Vera asks, heading to grab my dress.

"Pretty much," Lola says at the same time that my mom says, "Yes."

"It's adorable," Gracie smiles at me. "I'm going to need to take my own road trip."

"Brandon was never that clingy," Vera informs us. Brandon is her husband of 5 years. They don't have any kids yet. Gracie is also older than me, but the younger sister of Vera. I've never exactly been super close with them but I'm trying.

"Let's get you guys ready," my mom whisks her hands in the air, gaining our attention. Darby is helping James, Julian, Preston, Seth, and Sierra get ready over at her house. Sierra is going to be our flower girl while the last 3 are going to be groomsmen.

Lola, Gracie, and Vera get into their deep blue dresses and put their hair into varying styles together, while my mom helps me get into my dress and put my hair up. I'm wearing minimal makeup, so I easily did it myself. Black mascara, blush, and a little gloss on my lips.

I make sure to avoid all of the mirrors once I slip on my dress, not wanting to cry and get all red and puffy before the biggest moment of my life. "You're beautiful," my mom whispers as she steps back once the dress is securely fastened. She comes around to face me, her eyes brimming with tears.

"Awww mom," I start to tear up myself.

"I'm so proud of you, honey," she tells me.

"You are?" I ask, genuinely uncertain.

"Of course," she grabs my arms. "You're accomplishing your dreams and have become the best version of yourself. You have a beautiful mind and are one of the most compassionate people I know."

"Even though I don't want a big, successful career?"

"I don't care about your job," she laughs, tears overflowing. "All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy. If getting married and having kids makes you happy then I couldn't be prouder of you. And I can that James, this town, and this life make you genuinely happy."

"Thank you," I hug her, blinking furiously to stop the tears from falling.

"I can't wait for grandkids by the way," she whispers while hugging me back.

I laugh, "well too bad. You'll have to wait a few more years if I have anything to say about it."

"I'm fine with that," she pulls back and uses her thumbs to brush away the tears before they fall. "Now let's get your hair done. We have a wedding to attend." I give a cute nod and then she gets to moving again. Coming around to the back of me and getting to work.

I don't look in the mirror to see what she's doing but I feel her placing pins and pulling strands of my hair up. After a while I deduce that the hairstyle is one braid on each side being pulled to the back center of the head and tied together. Under that, the rest of my hair is curled lightly.

"Omg!" Gracie squeals, running up to me.

"You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen," Lola smiles at me.

"Can we get a spin?" Vera asks, lips slightly pulling into a smile. I do as asked and give her a little spin, the bottom of my dress lifting up with the motion.

I complete 2 full circles before coming to a stop, facing my 3 bridesmaids who are all beautiful in their own right. Their hair is styled in various looks and their dresses are the same color but different styles. Each bridesmaids picked what dress they would be the most comfortable in but had to get them in an identical color.

"You are very pretty," Vera nods at me. I break into a smile. Vera isn't one for compliments or niceties, so I'll take what I can get.

"Thank you," I smile and nod back at her.

"Alright girls, are we ready to go?" My mom asks from behind me.

I turn around and look at her before turning to the girls.

"You're ready. I promise," Lola reassures me.

"Ok," I sigh nervously, not comforted in the slightest by what she said.

"Let's hit the road," Gracie cheers.

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