Chapter 17- Future Sneak Peak

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June 17, 2023

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June 17, 2023

"Alright dinner's done," I call to James, who has been watching cartoons with Sierra for the last twenty five minutes.

I make my way into the dining room with our plates, meeting them in there.

"Thank god," James mumbles, taking his plate and passing me the 2 year old, who is singing a song from one of her tv shows.

"Bluey isn't your thing?" I laugh, taking a seat and sitting the toddler in her own chair.

"Oh I love it," he drawls sarcastically, causing me to laugh even harder.

"Auntie?" Sierra mumbles.

"Yes, Sia?" I turn to her, still chuckling to myself.

"Movie?" She asks with puppy dog eyes, but I hold strong strong.

"After dinner." I state confidently. "We can watch whatever movie you want, but first we have to eat," I grab her spoon, gather food on it, and bring it to her mouth. She reluctantly eats it, before taking her spoon from me and getting more.

I smile, satisfied with her compromise, and turn back to James, who is looking at me almost awestruck.

"What?" I shrug, eating my own dinner.

"You make it look like it's nothing," he gawks, mouth wide open.

"I've had practice," I laugh. "You're gonna need some eventually," I wink in his direction.

He whistles, "babysitting really makes me rethink that."

"Oh come on. All you did was watch cartoons," I smile. He starts to respond, but is interrupted by the little girl.

"Minions," Sierra yells.

"Minions," I yell with her. We both look over at James, waiting for a reaction. After a moment he does the same.

"Minions," he yells quieter and not nearly as enthusiastic as us. It's good enough for Sierra though, who begins to laugh uncontrollably.

I glance over at James, giving him a full on grin which he returns, before we turn back to our plates.

Me and James constantly talk to Sierra while we eat, hoping to keep her occupied until we are done with our own food.

"Minions," she squeals in a temper tantrum for the eighth time.

"Fine," I groan, giving in, even though James and I haven't finished eating.

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