Chapter 15- Pool...

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June 14, 2023

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June 14, 2023

"I was thinking," I hum to James while we clean up after dinner.

"That's dangerous," he jokes. I narrow my eyes on him, which makes him laugh. "I'm kidding," he smiles at me. "What were you thinking about?"

"We have yet to put the pool table to use in over a year."

"To use," he smirks, taking what I just say in a dirty way.  "What kind of use?" He hints.

I smile mischievously back at him, "many kinds," I wink, "but first what about a game of pool?"

"What do I get if I win?" James asks, following me down to the basement.

I look over my shoulder, meeting his gaze. "We could put the pool table to another kind of use then."

"I like the sound of that," he grins. "What about if you win?"

"What should I get?" I ask, leaving the option open.

He hums, thinking, as he grabs his stick and racks the balls. "Orgasms, lots of them," he finally answers.

"Oh I like the sound of that. But I'll probably still get them even if you win," I wink at him as steps back from the table, the game ready.

"Guess we'll see," he bites his lip, hungry eyes skimming my body. "Ladies first," he rasps out, ready for the game to end before it even starts.

I walk towards him, adding the extra sway to my hips that I know drives him crazy. Easily slipping between him and the table, I lean forward a little, putting my ass right into his groin as I break.

"You're turn," I whisper, looking over my shoulder at James, whose hands have found their way to my waist. He looks up to meet my gaze, pupils completely dilated.

"This better be a quick game," he shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He moves around the table, positioning his cue at the cue ball and aiming. There's no clear shot, so he luckily misses the shot.

"Ohhh too bad," I hiss playfully, moving around to make my shot. Feeling his eyes on me the whole time, it takes all of my focus to hit the cue ball and pocket a solid.

"Looks like I'm solids," I smile up at him. "But not as solid as you are," I smirk, eyeing the tent in his sweatpants. James laughs, the low rumble sending a shiver down my spine.

I move around and easily pocket another ball but curse when I see where the cue ball landed- right in front of James, who smirks over at me. I slowly saunter over towards him, trying to appear affected by his looming presence, as I bend over and prepare to shoot.

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