Chapter 23- A Walk in the Park

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June 28, 2023

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June 28, 2023

"Mom! Dad," I call from the truck. Their heads flip in my direction at the sound of my voice and grins break out onto both of their faces as they hurry to me, suitcases trailing behind them.

"Elle, my little girl," my dad greets excitedly.

"Ellie Bellie!" My mom squeals at the same time.

I chuckle as they put their suitcases into the bed of the pickup truck and rush to open up doors and scramble inside. My mom takes the passenger seat and only because she slip under my dad's arm while he was trying to get in. He doesn't complain, just simply shakes his head and accepts his fate to sit in the back of the car for the ride.

"Hi mom," I smile happily. "Hey dad," I say, turning to look at him. "How was the flight?" My parents decided to fly instead of drive for whatever reason. Now my grandpa is stuck driving my Jeep all of the way here from NYC to attend the wedding.

"Long," my dad sighs. "But worth it."

"Completely," my mom touches my cheek, examining me. "You look good."

"Thank you," I smile.

"Have you been well?" My dad this time. I nod.

"Everything is fine at home?" My mom now.

"How is work?" My dad again.

"Slow down," I laugh, putting up my hands to stop their harping. "Everything is fine. Great. Amazing. I've never been happier."

"Are you ready for the wedding?" My mom asks while my dad nods in agreement at the new question thrown at me.

"Yes! I'm counting down the days," I smile.

"I'm so excited for you honey," my dad smiles warmly at me.

"Thank you dad. You're the best."

"I'm going to meet with Darby at the diner if you could drop me there please," my mom informs me.

"What?" I say, completely surprised but this information.

"Me and Darby are talking about the set up of the wedding, catering, and everything else since everything will need to start being scheduled for specific times. And I miss her." I can't help but smile at the last part.

My mom and dad have met Darby and Lucas many times. They all clicked immediately and now my mom and her are the best of friends.

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