Chapter 7- Ex's and O's

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June 9, 2023

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June 9, 2023

"Mom," I smile, pulling her into a hug.

"Elle-y Belly," she hugs me tighter. "I'm so glad you could make it."

I step back, right into James's side. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"James, it's lovely to see you," she pulls him into a hug that's equally as tight as the one she gave me.

"Likewise, Bailey," James smiles. "How is the firm doing?"

"Great, thanks for asking! We just took on a huge case. Lots of money and famous clients involved," she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Ohhhh, that's exciting," I cheer quietly, not wanting to draw attention from the hundred other guests in attendance. "Where's dad?" I look around trying to spot my father's brunette hair.

"Making the rounds. You know how it is," she explains. Something behind me catches her eye, "I have someone to go talk to." She touches my arm, "I'll see you two tonight for dinner?"

I nod my head, "Of course! Your place?" She gives me a nod and a smile and then waltzes off into the crowd.

"Want a drink," James asks, pulling me closer into his side.

"If I'm going to survive this party then alcohol will need to be consumed." He chuckles and leads me through the crowd to the bar.

"Two vodka sodas, please," James motions to the bartender.

"Elle?" The voice makes me whip my head sideways, already knowing who it is.

"Graham," I greet as politely as I can. The name that leaves my lips grabs James's attention. He talks a protective step closer to me, but doesn't say anything. Not yet.

"I heard about the engagement," he eyes the ring on my hand and forces a smile that looks more like a grimace. "Congrats."

I look up at James, a smile immediately growing when I see his face. "Thank you," I look back at Graham, my smile dimming. "I hope you are well."

"Not really," he says, sadly. "When is the big day?"

"July 5th," James speaks up, wrapping an arm around my waist. Graham's eyes immediately fall to the movement, sadness growing more visible on his face by the second. I almost feel bad.

Sure he cheated but we spent four years together. We had an apartment and friends. But I'm glad he cheated. I realized my self worth and found my soulmate. Four years with him is nothing compared to forever with James.

"Wow, that's soon."

"When you know, you know," James smiles down at me.

Graham clears his throat, "Aloura? Could I have a moment alone with you?"

I look up to James, not wanting to cross a boundary. "It's up to you," he shrugs. "I trust you completely."

I nod and kiss his cheek. Not needing to rise on my tippy toes to reach him when I wear my heels.

"I'll be over with your dad," James tips his head to the side, motioning to where my father is standing, speaking with his colleagues.

"I'll be there in a second," I reply as James steps away, giving my hand one last squeeze. I turn my full attention to Graham. "What did you want to tell me?"

"Ummm, well," he trails off, looking at the floor. I raise my eyebrows, waiting for a response. "I'm sorry. For everything," he trails off again.

"Everything?" I need to know. Need to hear him say it.

He finally raises his head and meets my eye. "For cheating. For acting the way I did when I saw you in Montana. When I saw you, you were so happy. Glowing actually," he chuckles pitifully. "I was jealous. Jealous that something could make you happy again when I was still mourning our relationship. And I'm sorry. You deserve to be happy. You are the best thing to enter my life and I fucked it up. Please forgive me, Elle."

I think about that for a moment. "Why did you cheat?"

He seems caught off guard. "I don't know. I just did. I've wracked my brain for a reason and I could never find one. A good one at least. I guess to add something to my life. We had been dating for years, my job was going well, you had just got a job, we had an apartment, and the next step was to get engaged. I just got scared and worried that everything was going too fast..."

"Was it just that one time," I ask. Needing to know. He shakes his head. Wow, okay. "How long?"

"A year." I take a deep breath, taking in the information.

"How many girls?"

"Fifty? Sixty? I don't know," he shrugs. "I didn't count." Why doesn't that make me feel something? I'm not mad or sad. Nothing.

"Thank you for finally being honest," I say, nodding my head.

"Wait. You aren't mad?" He seems genuinely confused.

"No," I shake my head. "I should thank you actually." He seems even more confused now. "After I caught you cheating, I took a trip. If I had never taken that trip, I would never have met James. James is the person that I've been waiting for my whole life. He completes me. So thank you."

I reach out and touch his arm, "And I forgive you. Truthfully. You gave me 4 incredible years that I will never forget. Being with you taught me a lot and I'm grateful that we had that time together even though it ended so badly." I look over at James. He is laughing with my dad and his colleagues, fitting right in. My heart swells.

I turn back to Graham, "I hope you get everything you deserve in life. I wish you the best." I pull my arm away and strut over to James, head high. Not waiting for a response, and leaving Graham in the past. Where he belongs.

James turns to face me before I've even reached him. Like he has a compass programmed inside of him that is also a part of me. Always knowing where I am. I smile at him and he returns it as he pulls me close to him.

"Are you okay," concern clear as day in his words.

I nod my head. "Better than okay. I really needed that."

He kisses the top of my head, "I'm glad you finally have closure, babe." I breath in his scent, seeking the reassurance it gives me and then turn toward everyone else, ready to take on anything.

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