Chapter 29- Mr. And Mrs. Bridgewater

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July 5, 2023James' POV

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July 5, 2023
James' POV

"Calm down," Julian, my best man, whisper yells behind me.

"I am calm," I lie, fidgeting with my hands.

"The girls will be here any moment," Seth tells me from right behind Julian.

"Shouldn't we be quiet then?" Preston says from behind Seth, rounding out the group. I nod and we all fall silent as the pastor makes his way to the flower arch, standing right next to me.

"Are you ready?" He leans in and whispers to me.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I sigh, looking down the aisle, lined with lit lanterns placed on logs. On the outside there are white benches facing the front, guests chatting among themselves as we wait.

"I remember officiating your parents wedding," Phil, the pastor of the local church, tells me. I slowly turn to look at the old man.


He nods. "You look almost exactly like your father." I don't say anything back. Instead, I look up at the stars. They are perfectly visible. Big and twinkling up in the sky. I wonder if my parents are watching me now. I wonder what they think. Are they proud? Are they happy or mad? Did they want more from me? Do they think I'm a good person? Do they like Elle? Hell, if there is one thing I'm sure of is that they would like Elle. She's the best thing to ever happen to me and the kindest, most beautiful person I have ever met.

The sound of live music playing draws my attention. I look down and suck in a deep breath of air when I see the bridesmaids standing at the far end of the aisle, illuminated by the fairy lights above us and lanterns along the walkway. Slowly, one by one, they walk down. First Lola, the maid of honor. Then Vera and Gracie. I try to get a peak at Elle, but her father is covering up most of her by standing directly in front of her. I can just barely see the edges of her dress as Sierra walks down the aisle, throwing flower petals and earning coos from our over two hundred guests along the way.

Once she is completely down the aisle and sitting with her grandparents the music changes tempo. It's slower. I know what that means.

I look up just in time to see Lamont step to the side and Elle be revealed. I let out the breath I didn't know I had been holding and feel tears prick my eyes. She is just as beautiful as the day we met. On the side of the road in the hot summer sun. I feel the same surge of emotion that I felt on that day. I could never have gotten so lucky and I don't think I ever will again.

Slowly, oh so slowly, she takes her fathers arm and begins walking down the aisle. Toward me and our future together.

I can't even comprehend what the dress looks likes because I can't take my eyes off of her face. Her crystal blue eyes completely focused on me. A grin stretches across her face as she walk closer and I'm sure that it matches the one I'm wearing. Her chestnut brown hair is pulled away from her face just slightly. I can see her butterfly necklace twinkling under the fairy lights. The butterfly necklace that I gave her on the same day that I knew I loved her. The same necklace that she has worn every night and day, every second of every day, since I gave it to her so many months ago.

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