Chapter 9- Home Sweet Home

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June 10, 2023

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June 10, 2023

"Welcome home," James laughs as he enters through the front door. My suitcase in one hand and my own hand in his other.

"This has been my home since last summer," I laugh when he drops my suitcase and twirls me around.

"Yeah, but now it's your permanent home. You and me, in this house forever. Maybe with some little kids running around in the future too."

"But not in the near future. The morning after pill I took at the airport really helped with that," I laugh.

"Gotta love modern medicine," he chuckles. "Y'know, Adler has changed since last summer," he says thoughtfully.

"How?" I raise an eyebrow, thinking of what's changed but coming up blank.

James chuckles at the expression on my face, dropping a kiss on my cheek. "The population is now 3,275."

I pause, looking up into his eyes and sighing. "I love you," I kiss him sweetly.

"Forever and counting," he whispers against my lips.

Our kiss deepens, getting lost in each other before I eventually pull back. "Alright, you check on the fish while I unpack."

"Yes, ma'm," he salutes and then spins on his heel to go to the kitchen. I chuckle to myself, shaking my head and going to complete my own task.

Most of my stuff is already here since I've slowly been moving in the past year. Half of the closet is mine. Half of the drawers are mine. The whole bathroom counter is mine, but most of the stuff is in the drawers anyway.

"Hey, babe?" James knocks on the door as he enters. I spin around, shutting the drawer that I just put the last of my clothes in.

"Yeah?" I put the empty suitcase on the floor of our walk in closet.

"I was thinking. You and me. Chicken parm. Multi-movie night," he smirks.

"I very much like the sound of that," I respond cheerily, threading our fingers together and heading down to the kitchen.

The whole time we are preparing our meal, we purposely brush past each other. A little touch here, a light grab there. Smiles are contagious and the air is heated. Warm and cozy.

"Coen, gave me some advice at dinner yesterday." Coen is my dad's dad. The grandfather that taught me how to bake and sew.

"What was that?" I turn to face him after putting dinner in the oven.

"That he is happy you found me."

I gasp, "you got my grandpa's seal of approval! He's never given that!" James nods his head, eye's sparkling.

"He said, and I quote, 'you're hard working, funny, and passionate about the things you love. The only thing better is that you love my granddaughter too. I don't think I've ever seen her happier and for that I'm so glad of you. Thank you.' And then he called my Jamie boy," he seems thoughtful yet confused by the last part.

We look at each other, not saying anything, before we break into laughter. "Jamie boy?" I manage to choke out.

James sighs, trying his hardest to stifle his laughter. "That's what I said," he holds his stomach, gasping for air.

"Oh god, that's good," I slowly stand up straight again, willing myself not to laugh. Sighing, I fill up wine glasses and pass him one.

We raise the glasses, "to us. To our home. To our future." We clink our glasses together.

"And to nicknames," James finishes. I spit out my wine, laughing and choking all at once. James cracks up again too, before helping me clean up the mess.

"Jesus, James," I laugh. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Sorry," James holds up his hands in innocence. "I couldn't resist," he chuckles. "I got it. You finish cleaning up," James walks toward the oven when it beeps.

"You caused this," I accuse with a small smile and roll my eyes but finish cleaning up the floor and counters anyway.

We each grab a serving and head to the living room with our wine. "So what movie?" I kick my feet up on the coffee table.

"I was thinking that we'd start with Paranormal Activity then go to Set It Up or Pride and Prejudice," he says, scrolling through the movies.

"I say all 3," I blow on my piece of chicken.

"Okay, sounds good. But after those 3 we have to watch a comedy."

I nod my head in agreement, unable to speak with the food in my mouth.

"All in the name of trying new things," he whispers into my ear as he wraps an arm around my shoulder and presses play.

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