Chapter 22- The Lake

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June 27, 2023

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June 27, 2023

"Hey, buddy," I smile, rubbing Scout's head as I saddle him up. Hazel is already ready to go and waiting for James, who is inside grabbing a drink of water.

"Hey, Haze," I turn to the chestnut horse. She whinnies in response. "How's my favorite girl?" Behind me I hear a whine and see Searchlight.

"Oh, are you my favorite girl?" I coo, reaching down to pet her. I'm tackled by Zero and Juniper who also want attention. "Guys," I laugh, petting all 3 dogs who are swarming over me.

I hear James laughing as he approaches, "need some help?"

"Never," I laugh, standing and brushing myself off. "I was just messing around with my 3 favorite dogs," I look at each of them. Whenever James showers I usually hang out with the dogs in the front yard. Sometimes we play fetch, other times we just sit on the porch since they are so tuckered out from herding cattle all day. I feed the horses everyday and give attention to the cats too. If I'm not at the diner, I'm with James or hanging out with the pets.

James and I mount the horses and head off, the dogs following behind us yapping at each other. "Are you coming to pick my parents up at the airport tomorrow?"

"Sadly, no. I will make sure to be at the house when you guys make it there though."

"McDonald's for dinner tomorrow?"

"Sounds good. Not as good as your cooking though," James smiles at me, eyes sparkling, and I smile right back at him. A little blush coloring my cheeks at his compliment.

As soon as we get to the lake I jump off the horse, take off my clothes to reveal a bikini underneath, and into the water, the dogs right behind me. James gets off of Hazel and makes his way to the water's edge. He watches as I swim out into the middle of the lake, laughing the whole way.

I turn around just in time to see James take off his shirt, his golden toned muscles glistening under the setting sun. He looks like he was sculpted by a god. He stares at me and I can feel his heated gaze from 30 feet away. My body already knows what is about to happen. My nipples harden and a ball forms in my core. All just from a simple stare. James has too much power over my body, not that I mind all that much.

Speaking of the devil, he grabs a stick and hurls it through the pasture, letting the dogs chase after it and away from the water. Leaving the lake to ourselves.
James strips out of his jeans and boxers, not having showered and changed into sweats after working on the ranch. He always does, but not today because why would he shower just to swim in a lake?

His dick is already hard and my mouth goes dry, watching as wades into the water. His eyes stay focused on me as he swims forward. I hear the dogs barking in the distance, but don't look to see where they are. I don't even move. I just wait until James is close enough to me and as soon as he is I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. His hands go to my ass and he hauls me right against him, so that I feel his cock poking my stomach.

He kneads the skin in his hand and I moan into his mouth, giving his tongue entrance which I happily reciprocate.

"So damn perfect," James moans in a husky voice. One of my hands trails down his abs until it reaches the base of his cock. I wrap my hand around it and pump. James moans again, breaking our kiss and breathing heavily into my mouth. I pump again and again, relishing in the sounds he makes.

"Babe, we need to be quick. Water is not my friend right now," he groans out as I pump again. I chuckle a little and move my hand to let him take over. My thighs wrap around his waist as he rips open the condom that he's been holding onto this whole time and reaches down between us with one hand to roll it on.

My lips find his once again, as he moves aside my bikini bottoms. Quickly lining us up, I move my hips forward and allow him to enter me. He quickly moves his hand back to my ass, where the other one has stayed, and lifts me up just to lower me back down on him.

"James," I moan, sinking back down on him. My hips continue to drift away before coming back to meet his. My lips trail across his sharp jaw and down to his neck. He groans and throws his head back, using his arms to help me glide up and down on him.

I take advantage of all of the skin exposed to me, lightly biting before sucking and his salty skin.

"You're killing me babe," James moans into the air. My hips keep powering into his, the ball at my core building. James reaches down between us, rubbing circles around my clit as he trembles, about to come.

After a few seconds I clench around James and send us both over the edge. Names, curses, and moans, being shouted into the otherwise silent air.

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