Chapter 21- J, J, and A

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June 25, 2023

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June 25, 2023

"Julian!" I squeal, when he walks in the front door.

"E!" Julian wraps me in a hug when I jump at him from the couch. "How's my favorite girl?"

"Uh uh, MY girl," James reminds him from behind us, walking into the living room.

"I've got a man on the hook," James pulls back with a mischievous smile.

"Ohhhhh," I smack his arm. "Dating?"

"Just sexting," Julian shrugs, still smiling. "He's hot," he fans himself with his hand.

"Ok ok," James cuts off the gossiping. "Let's get the games started. I can't listen my bestfriend's sex life right now," James groans.

"Why not? I hear about yours," Julian shrugs, waltzing away into the dining room where Monopoly is set up.

"Babe," James groans. "Why would you tell him of all people?"

"I also told Lola," I admit. "Is that ok?"

"Yeah sure Lola is whatever, but Julian," he sighs.

"I'm sorry," I frown, walking into him and wrapping my arms around him. "You're fucking amazing in bed and I want everyone to know that you're only mine from now on. And Julian needed tips for when he sleeps with guys. So I just say what I do," I shrug.

"Fine, fine," James hugs me tightly, kissing me on the head.

"Get in here," Julian hollers.

"Game time," I break apart from James and walk away. He smacks me on the butt as I pass. I can't deny that I like the sting it leaves.

"Ready for the wedding?" Julian asks from across the table, focusing on the half done game in front of us

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"Ready for the wedding?" Julian asks from across the table, focusing on the half done game in front of us.

"More ready than I've ever been," James admits, nudging me with his foot under the table. I shift my attention from organizing my properties and focus on James, who is smiling at me.

"What?" I mouth.

"Stop fussing!" James mouths back with a silent chuckle. I narrow my eyes on him but stop scrutinizing over the layout of my cards.

"What about you E?" Julian finally looks up at us, having taken his move.

"What did you say?" I ask, honestly not having heard him talking earlier. James chuckles under his breath, earning a soft kick under the table from me.

"Are you ready for the wedding?" He asks again. The only difference being that I actually heard him this time.

"Very! I can't wait for everything! My last wedding dress fitting, my bachelorette party, walking down the aisle, saying my vows, officially becoming a Bridgewater, our first dance...everything," I drift off thinking about everything, especially our wedding night.

"I'm sure you are," Julian winks, knowing where my thoughts are. I smile and shrug before going to take my turn.

"What about you best man?" James asks Julian. "Are you ready?"

"I'm gonna be the bestest best man their ever was!" Julian exclaims, excited about his role in our big day.

"Not to kill the vibe because I love it, honestly, but 'bestest' is not a word," I tell Julian. In return, he pouts and gives me puppy dog eyes. "No I'm not going to take it back either," I chuckle.

"No fun haver," he grumbles under his breath, causing James and I to break into laughter.

"Haver isn't a word either," James informs him, making me laugh even harder. "At least not in the sense that you mean it."

"Ugh gang up on someone else you two. I thought we were friends," Julian sighs

"We are but grammar is important," I pat his arm. He pulls back and makes a disgusted face

"Apologize first!"

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry Julian Wymore," I tell him, not meaning it.

"Ohhhh the first and last name," James hisses through his teeth. "That's tough."

"Alright, geniuses," Julian rolls his eyes. "Fuck I gotta go," he says as he checks the time.

"Uh huh."

"No seriously. Preston can't go in tomorrow so I have to take over the morning shift at the auto shop."

"Alright," James stands and sighs.

"Finish the game another time?"

"Duh," I tell Julian, giving him a goodbye hug before putting up our game as James walks him to the door.

"Movie now?" James asks, making his way back into the dining room.

"Of course! We haven't missed a movie night in over a year. Go pick on while I put this up," I tell him.

"Better hurry. I'm gonna get lonely in there." I smile and rush down the stairs to put the game into the game room in the basement.

The light is already off and the movie is playing when I make it back upstairs. I head straight for the couch and into James arms, who grabs me and pulls me on top of him as he lies down on his back, spreading out on the couch.

"We should go back to the lake," I whisper to James.

"The one that we swam at forever ago?" He asks, double checking.

"The one and only," I pause. "Do you remember how much tension there was that day?" I chuckle.

"How could I forget? I wanted to slam my mouth down on yours and take you in every way."

"Now there is nothing stopping you," I sigh.

"Are you saying we should have sex in the lake?"

"Not necessarily but I'm down for it if you are. If I'm being completely honest, you could fuck me anywhere you like and I would be just fine with it."

James laughs, "me too. Me too...I'll make sure to bring a condom."

I smile, curling into his chest and sighing with contentment. "I love you," I whisper.

"Forever and always," he replies, kissing the top of my head.

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