Chapter 25- Bachelorette

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July 1, 2023

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July 1, 2023

"Babe," I whine, trying to break free from his grasp.

"Just one more minute," he complains, kissing my lips for the 50th time in a row.

"They're waiting," I remind him, Lola having honked her car horn 4 times already. Lola, my mom, and Darby are already in the car for a girls spa day as my bachelorette party. James, Seth, Preston, Julian, Lucas, and my dad are going out to eat at a small, fancy restaurant in town. Sierra is staying with her Wymore grandparents for the night to give the two a break. The spa is just a few store fronts down from where the boys will be.

"I know but I have barely seen you these past few days," he grumbles, kissing me again.

"You had me all of yesterday and we spend every night together with our standing movie date," I laugh against his lips.

"Fine, fine," he kisses me for the last time, pulling away to look into my eyes. He cups my cheek with his hand, his thumb brushing my cheek softly. "But you are all mine in 4 days."

"I can't wait," I kiss him. "But sadly neither can they," I gesture to the front door.

"See you tonight?" He asks hopefully.

"Of course," I kiss him once again. "I love you."

"Forever and counting," he kisses me before taking a step back. I start to walk toward the door but am abruptly pulled back into his arms. He kisses me one final, final time before pulling away with a sigh. "Go, hurry. Before I keep you for myself."

"4 more days," I remind him, hurrying toward the door. I rush down the steps and into the passenger seat.

"I thought I was going to have to walk in there and drag you out of the house," my mom laughs from the backseat.

"Young love," Darby sighs happily.

"Let's get this thing done. I need some massaging, relaxing, nail painting, and waxing. I want to look like a brand new woman after today." Lola puts the car and gear.

The drive to town is shorter than usual. Somewhat because of the company but mostly because Lola is acting like it's the Daytona 500 in this place.

"Let's gooooo," Lola urges Darby to walk faster toward the door of the spa. "Life waits for no one."

"I'm old and brittle. Give me a break," Darby states matter of factly. We eventually make it inside of the blush pink shop. Seeing my favorite color everywhere warms my heart just slightly.

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