"Up close and Personal"

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I better let the fox know I completed its request.

It was ecstatic that I completed the request, and it seems really happy that more people are hopefully going to leave more requests and donate more money.

Hermit Social Link: Rank 4

I spent time with the fox, then I left to spend time riding on my scooter.


Yu and I were watching TV with Nanako.

"If you want you can change the channel." She said.

She looks bored, I could try a magic trick. I put a rubber band on my index and middle finger, I also hooked it on the pinky and ring finger without her noticing.

"What're you doing?" She asked.

I showed her the hand I had closed tightly. The rubber band springs off the index and middle finger instantly moving over the pinky and ring fingers! Nanako saw part of the trick.

"I saw it! It went zoom! Do it again! One more time!" She said.

"Okay, my turn now!" She said.

The night continued with the three of us spending time together.


Today was the day Yosuke Yu and I were gonna put Yosuke's plan into action. We rode our scooters to Okina City.

"Hello Okina Station! That was easier than I thought!" Yosuke said.

We heard a bicycle bell ring, and it was Kanji riding like a madman to catch up to us.

"He actually followed us all the way here." Yosuke said in a surprised tone.

"Heh, that was a breeze." Kanji said as he approached us. "It was no sweat keeping up with some guys still getting used to their scooters."

"Psh, if I hadn't run out of gas back there we'd have left you in the dust! I shouldn't have cheaped out on gas so I could have more money to fool around with." Yosuke said.

Kanji parked his bike.

"You know I noticed every time I come here, there's a lot of people around." Kanji said.

"Yeah, if we hang out around here, I bet someone will come talk to us!" Yosuke said.

"Actually uh, mind if I head off for a bit? S-since I came all the way here to Okina, uhh, th-there's this craft shop. It's nothing I'm just saying I gotta buy stuff! Anyway, I'm gonna do my own thing for a bit, so you guys get started without me!" He said before running off.

I spotted Naoto walking around, I waved to her, she gave a slight wave back.

"I gotta go do something too, you guys have fun without me." I said.

I went to join Naoto.

"Hi." I said.

"Hello, I see you got a motorcycle license. Did you buy the scooter yourself?" She asked.

"Yeah, it took some saving up but i was able to afford it. Listen I hate to do this to you, but I'd rather experience having my knee broken again then participate in what my buddy has cooked up. Can I hang out with you until they go back?" I asked.

She sighed.

"Well I suppose it would make my investigation less inconspicuous to have a "friend" hanging out with me. Just don't interfere." She said.

"Sounds fair." I said.

Before the two of us left, we stopped when we heard the roar of what sounded like an actual motorcycle.

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