Rise's Strip Club

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We got all the info we need, let's go get her.

We met with Teddie at the usual spot.

"Hey Sensei, you look like you found some clues! Did you find anything more about this girl, Rise-chan? Hmhm, her real self. I see, she's just like me, the delicate sentimental type. Then, hmmm, whaaaah!? There's something out there! Is this it? Did I find her!? Follow me!" He said.

We followed him to a very dark building.

"What is this place? It's all dark." Chie said.

The lights came up. There were pink and magenta curtains everywhere, with big hearts in them, as well as some furnished booths for people to sit in.

"Whoa! Is this a stripper club!?" Chie asked.

"Oh, like the kind you always find in resort towns!?" Yosuke said.

"I think you're right. Ugh, oh, but we don't have one, our inn is NOT like that." Yukiko said.

"Huh, so this is a strip joint eh?" Kanji said.

"Strip? Aha! I know what that is! It's the things zebras have, right!?" Teddie asked. "Strip, like. A zebra right!? Right!?"

Everyone ignored Teddie's comment.

"It's so bright here, even with the glasses on my eyes hurt." Yukiko said.

"Doesn't anyone get the joke!? Okay, let's try one more time. Strip, it's something zebras have." Teddie said

"Can anyone shut this thing up!?" Chie said.

"Huh? Zebra, sorry what're we talking about?" Yukiko asked.

"I-I, won't say it again, let's hurry on." Teddie said.

It's time for a dungeon delve.

"Be beary careful in there, that other presence I sensed earlier is still nearby." Teddie said.

We made our way through the first two floors with relative ease, smashing our way through shadows and looting treasure. When we got to the third floor Teddie picked up on something.

"Mmmmm!? I can smell it! I smell something, my nose is sniffing out some kind of clue!" He said.

We tracked it to a separate room, and found what looked to be Rise inside.

"It's Rise!" Yosuke said.

"But something's not right." Chie said.

"It must be her other self." Yukiko said.

"Hello, all you fans out there! Thanks for coming today! Today you're gonna see every last inch of me! What's that? You don't believe me? Ahahahah! Okay okay! Then why don't we- oh, but you won't be able to see with all this smoke, huh? Okie dokie...

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"Hello, all you fans out there! Thanks for coming today! Today you're gonna see every last inch of me! What's that? You don't believe me? Ahahahah! Okay okay! Then why don't we- oh, but you won't be able to see with all this smoke, huh? Okie dokie, just follow me a little further in, and I'll prove that I'm every bit as good as my word!" Rise said.

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