The Fortune's Secret

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April 22

After school.

Yosuke and I took the train to Okina City.

"Mmm, it's been a while since I've breathed this kinda air. You know I'm just a poor little city boy drawn to that urban air. Wait a minute, am I starting to sound like Teddie?" Yosuke asked

"Well you are looking harrier." I said

"Now that you mention it, the foam in my facial soap this morning had - h-hey you're making me scare myself!" Yosuke said. "Well that aside, what should we-"

Yosuke got a notification on his phone.

"Oh, a text message. More spam. Looks like someone got my address, I get a lot of spam." Yosuke said

"Eh, what can you do." I said

"Yeah I know, I don't want to change addresses so, *sigh*, I haven't changed addresses since before we moved to Inaba. I mean I might get a text from someone, it's hard to tell ya know? If I call people just to tell them my number changed they might get annoyed, and some of them never planned to text me anyway. Oh but hey, don't look at me like I don't have any friends! Though to tell you the truth I don't really remember what we used to talk about. Can't really call them friends. Inaba suits me fine, plus I've got something I need to do there. I'm countin on ya partner." Yosuke said

Magician Social Link Rank 3

"Well with that in mind should we head back?" He asked. "It'd suck if something happened back there while we were over here. Alright let's go- wait let's get everyone a souvenir and then go home." Yosuke said

We both headed back home to Inaba for the night.


It's almost the end of the month, I should maybe make my bi monthly report to Naoto soon. Dojima's not here right now, I might get away with sneaking away to the police station if I'm quick about it. Then again it would be counterproductive if I'm trying to avoid him just to go to where he works anyways!

I made my way down to the station. Adachi was pacing around the foyer. He jumped when the door opened

"Oh it's you. You here to see Dojima?" He asked

"No, I'm here to see Naoto. I'm supposed to report to him twice a month." I said

He looked confused for a second.

"OH! Right, now I remember. His office is just down the hall, first one on the right, it'll be fine if you enter, just as long as you knock." He said

"Thanks." I said

I made my way down the hallway and knocked on his door.

"Hey Naoto it's me, I'm here to make my report?" I said

No answer, maybe he's not in there, he'll probably be back soon, I'll wait for him inside.

I opened the door and made my way inside, right after I closed it and turned around, I saw a naked blue haired person coming out of the shower in the back part of the room, whats that on his chest, they look like - BOOBS!?

"AH!" She screamed as she threw a towel at my face, it surprisingly hurt, as the towel it the ground I heard a thud, and a shoe rolled out. "Haven't you heard of knocking?"

"I did- NAOTO!?" I said

The both of us are blushing, and I immediately turned towards the door.

"God this is embarrassing, give me a minute to get dressed." S(he?) said

A few minutes later.

"So, I take it you're here to report to me on your probation?" Naoto said

"Y-yeah." I said, can't help but stare down at their chest now, what's going on here?

Naoto slapped me across the face

"Look, it- it's a long story."

"I would hope so." I said while rubbing my cheek.

They sighed, and fidgeted around a little.

"I've never told anyone this aside from my butler back at the estate. It's difficult to put into words."

"If you don't want to explain the whole situation then that's ok. Maybe just clarify one or two things, like whether or not your a boy or a girl." I said.

"*sigh, I'm a girl, in the guise of a man. The other officers, don't take me very seriously, and they knew that I was a woman, they wouldn't listen to anything I said." She explained. "You can't tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE, about what you saw here tonight."

"You have my word. I might not understand the whole situation, but I'm not going to screw things up for you." I said

Fortune Social Link: Rank 2

"Good." She said, a little more collected now. She sounds like a guy again. "Now, your report?"

I gave my report to her, and headed back home for the night.

The path to the truth: Male Reader X NaotoWhere stories live. Discover now