Another dead body!

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We came back through on the other side At Junes.

"Huh? Is this?" Chie said

"Did we, make it back?" Yosuke asked

"Attention shoppers! Our daily limited time sale will now begin at the side dish area on the first floor! Why not try the delicious fresh produce Junes picked for you this morning as your side dish for dinner tonight? All ages are invited to take advantage of this incredible bargain!"

"Crap, it's already that late?" Yosuke asked

"Looks like we were in there for quite a while." Chie said

Yosuke spotted something over on the wall

"That's right! Now I remember where I saw that poster before! Look over there! That's the poster we saw!" Yosuke said

"What's up now? Hey, you're right, they're the same. I couldn't tell before without the face, but it was Misuzu Hiragi. She's been all over the news lately! Something about her husband having an affair with that announcer lady who died the other day." Chie said

"Hey does that mean- that weird room we saw, could it be related to that Yamano lady's death? Now that I think about it, there was that creepy noose hanging from the ceiling. Yaaargh! Stop, no more! We gotta stop talking about this. I'm gonna wipe what happened today from my brain. I don't think my poor heart can take any more." Yosuke said

"I'm feeling a chill too, let's go home. I wanna lie down and rest." Chie said


We headed back inside, Nanako and Dojima were eating supper.

"Hey. Welcome home." Dojima said

We both sat down at the table, I ain't feeling so good after that.

"Umm- hm, I doubt you'd know, but have you heard anything about a student named Saki Konishi?"

"The female homo sapien is thy one who discovered thy body." Yu said

"Yeah... it's true. To be honest, we got a call from her family. She's disappeared. We've got people looking for her, but she hasn't been found yet. *sigh, work just keeps piling up." Dojima said

"And now, more on the case still casting a shadow over the foggy town of Inaba. Not long ago, television announcer Mayumi Yamano was found dead in the small town. Up until now, her whereabouts prior to her death had been unknown. But the police investigation has found that she had been staying in the region's famous Amagi inn." The announcer said

That's the inn that Yukiko family runs!

"She had apparently been staying there alone. Perhaps she had been taking a vacation to recover from her ordeal?"

"Oh yes the Amagi Inn! Their hot springs are first rate! The manager's teenage daughter also works there, and it's rumoured that she'll take over the Inn this spring. If that happens, she'll be one of the youngest managers on record! I should book another trip there!"

"Uh- I see. Moving along, it's time for the weather report. The rain has begun to subside. From now until morning, heavy fog warnings will be in effect in the Inaba region. Visibility will be severely reduced, so please be careful if you plan on driving in the area."

Just before the announcer was found dead, she was apparently staying at the Amagi Inn, run by Yukiko's family. I have a feeling that if she was murdered, then Saki might be next, after all she DID go missing, and then there's the possibility that Yukiko is in danger too. Maybe the killer has something against progress in the town? I very well could be overthinking it.

"Is the Ramen ready now?" Nanako asked

"Give it some more time." Dojima said

Both Yu and I  sneezed.

"Are you sick? You're probably still adjusting to the new environment. Nanako, can you get them some cold medicine?" Dojima asked. She quickly ran to the kitchen. "You should both get to bed after you take it."

The both of us headed up afterwards.

April 15, 2011

"Ah you're up! Well, I'm off!" Dojima said as he headed out the door.

"Dad has to go do something. He got a call, so he left." Nanako said

Yu and I made our way to the school, everything SEEMS normal, but, I can't help but get this feeling in my gut.

I overheard a couple of girls talking along the way

"When I looked, I saw three police cars zooming by."

"You live by the police station don't you? Did you hear anything?"

"I heard some yelling, but nothing more, total disappointment."

"Geez you need to pay more attention to stuff like that! How else are we supposed to get the juicy stories?"

There's more sirens going off nearby, I've got a bad feeling about this.

They called us all together for an assembly.

"Hey, did you see it yesterday?"

"Of course not, what, is that rumour for real?"

"I dunno, but it seems like a lot of people have seen it."

"Yukiko said she'd be here after lunch." Chie said. "I wonder why they're holding a school assembly all of a sudden. Hey, what's wrong Yosuke?"

"Oh, it's nothing." He said

"Everyone please, settle down." The teacher said. "The school assembly is about to begin. First, the principal has something to say."

"I, regret to say that I have a terrible announcement for all of you. One of our third year students, Ms. Saki Konishi of class 3, has passed away."

"Passed away?!" Chie said

Yosuke gasped silently.

"Ms. Konishi was found deceased early this morning. The reasons behind her passing are under investigation by the police. If they ask you for your cooperation, I urge you, as students of this school to provide only the facts."

There was a bunch of talking amongst the crowd.

"Alright please quiet down. I have been assured by the faculty that there's been no evidence that bullying was involved in the incident. So mind what you say, not only to the police but to anyone who asks."

"Found dead? How could this happen?" Chie said

"She was murdered, her and that Yamano lady, I'm sure of it now." I said to her and Yosuke quietly.

"What? How?!" Yosuke asked

"Because something very similar happened to my parents two years ago." I said

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