Dead body!

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Author's Note: I wasn't sure what to name this part.

"Ah, so you came here because of your parents' job? I thought it was something way more serious! There really is nothing here huh? That's what makes it nice, but there is nothing much we can show to people from outside. Though, there is something from Mt. Yasogami. I think our dyed clothes or pottery or something is kinda famous. Oh wait, and there's the Amagi Inn! Yukiko's family runs it, it's the pride of Inaba!" Chie said

"Huh? It's, just an old inn." Yukiko said

"No way! It's been in all sorts of magazines as a hidden treasure! It's a great inn! It's been going for generations, and Yukiko here is going to take over someday. Their Inn, actually attracts a lot of visitors to Inaba. It pretty much keeps this town going." Chie said

"...I don't think that's entirely true." Yukiko said.

"So tell me, you think Yukiko's cute, huh?" Chie said.

It's a trap, there is no good answer to this question.

"yeah, a female human being that I am referring to is." Yu said

I face palmed.

"I knew it!" Chie said.

"Come on. Don't start this again." Yukiko said.

"She's really popular at school, but she's never had a boyfriend. Kinda weird huh?" Chie asked.

Yukiko blushed.

"Come on stop it! You shouldn't believe that ok? It's true that I'm popular, or that I've never had a boyfriend. Wait n-no! What I mean to say was I-I don't need a boyfriend! Geez, Chie!" Yukiko said

"Hahaha! Sorry, I'm sorry. But this is our chance to talk to someone from the big city, and you've barely said a word! Hey, what's that?" Chie said

We headed down the street towards a crowd that was standing in front of a roadblock

"So that high schooler left early, and as she came down this street.."

"Wow. Who could imagine THAT hanging from an antenna?"

"I wanted to see it too."

"Uh, you got here too late. The police and fire department took it down just a moment ago."

"Well, I think it's terrifying. I can't believe a dead body showed up around here."

"Wait, what did she just say? A dead body?" Chie asked

Dojima came from behind the roadblock.

"Hey, what're you two doing here?" He asked.

"We were just passing by." I said.

"Huh, I should've figured that'd happen. That damn principal. We told him not to let them through here." Dojima said

"You know this guy?" Chie asked.

We nodded.

"I'm Detective Dojima, they're guardian. Uhh, well how should I say this? I hope you get along with them. But you four really ought to stop wandering around and head straight home." He said.

A younger detective ran right by us and threw up behind us.

"Adachi! How long are you going to act like a rookie?! You want to be sent back to the central office?!" He asked

"I'm sorry. Ngh."

"Go wash your face. We're gonna go around and gather information!" Dojima said

He went off and the younger detective ran after him.

"Was this what that announcement was about?" Chie asked

"What do they mean, it was hanging from the antenna?" Yukiko asked

"Hey Yukiko? Why don't we go to Junes some other time?" Chie asked.

"Good idea." Yukiko said.

"Alright then! We're taking off. Starting tomorrow neighbours, let's do our best!" Chie said

The two of them left and we headed away from the crime scene, then headed home.

Later, in the evening. The two of us were watching TV with Nanako.

"I wonder if Dad's not coming home again tonight." Nanako said

The news came on.

"Our top story this evening concerns a bizarre case in a quiet suburb. Around noon today, a woman was found dead near the Samegawa River in Inaba."

The School Zone was shown on TV. Was this the incident they were talking about?

"The deceases has been identified as Ms. Mayumi Yamano, a 27 year old announcer at the locale television station. The initial results of the Inaba Police Department's investigation have revealed-"

"Ah! The Inaba Police Department! That's where Dad works!" Nanako said.

"It'll be alright." Yu assured her.

"I know. That's his job, so this stuff happens." She said

She's taking this pretty calmly for her age. Then again she probably doesn't fully understand what's going on.

"The body was found hanging from a large television antenna atop a locale resident's roof. Authorities are uncertain as to why the body was in such a state. With the cause of death also uncertain, police continue to investigate whether the death is an accident, or homicide. A thick fog, common to the area has slowed their progress, and plans to fully canvas the area are delayed until tomorrow."

Huh, so that reporter who had an affair was found dead. Geez that is not a good start to this.

"They found her on the roof? That's scary." Nanako said. "Oh! It's Junes!" 

"At Junes, every day is Customer Appreciation Day. Come see for yourself, and get in touch with our products! Every day's great at your Junes!" She sung.

"Every day's great at your Junes." Nanako sung along with.

She gave us an expectant look. Oh what the hell. I'll humour her.

"Every day's great at your Junes." I sang. "You know I haven't been there yet. Then again I haven't really had a reason to go."

"Every day is great at the item that belongs to you, known as a junes." Yu sung

"You memorized it already? I'm the best one in my class!"

She sang it to herself over and over. I leaned over to Yu.

"So are we going to talk about last night or what?" I whispered in his ear.

"Later, now's not the time." He said.

Well, it seems like she's forgotten about the scary story.

We both headed up and went to sleep.

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