The Moron's Replacement

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Early Morning, in the classroom.

"Hey, is that stuff about King Moron for real?"

"It was on TV right? It must be true."

The class went quiet as the new teacher entered the room.

The class went quiet as the new teacher entered the room

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"Gooood Morning. I'm Noriko Kashiwagi, your new class teacher, starting today. You all probably know already, but now that Mr. Morooka has passed away, I'll be taking good care of you instead *giggle*. Okay, why don't we start off with a moment of silence for Mr. Morooka. Close your eyes everyone." She said. It lasted seconds before she said something else." That should be enough. I'll do my best to fill Mr. Morooka's shoes. So, our regular exams are still on track for next week. As your principal said, "It's times like these when the schedule is most important, Nori-chan." *giggle*, it must be tough for you, but, that's what it means to become an adult, little by little."

"I already can't stand her." A student said.

"First King Moron, and now Kashiwagi? How much worse can it get?"

"Oh, and one more thing, that idol in our first year class, Ms. Kujikawa, was it? In person, she's nothing like she seems on TV, so don't get your hopes up, mmkay? What's so great about an idol anyway, right class? She's just a piece of inexperienced jailbait!" Kashiwagi said

She ranted on and on.

"What's up with her? Does she think she's Risette's rival?"

"She doesn't stand a chance against Risette. I mean I heard Kashiwagi is on the wrong side of 40."

"I bet King Moron would've been ecstatic to hear Risette had enrolled here. Someone told me they saw him buying Rise's pinup book."

"That sounds kinda pervy. He annoyed the hell out of me, but I feel bad that he got killed."

"Oh you know what? Risette was on a striptease show."

"Huh? A striptease!? Dude, if that was true, the paparazzi would've been all over it."

"I'm serious, but the reception went bad right when it was getting to the good part. It was on that Midnight Channel everyone keeps talking about."

"You actually believe that crap? How friggin' dense are you? Trust me, you were dreaming it."

"The rumour about the Midnight Channel is spreading further." Chie said

"We'd better wrap this case up quick. Anyways, let's meet up later. Don't make any plans for this afternoon." Yosuke said.

After School, on the way to Junes.

Cal and I walked there together, and I could hear him humming "Flare".

"I see you too are a man of culture, I didn't know you were a fan of the purple sirens." I said.

"The Purple Sirens", was the name of a pair of idols back home.

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