And not a single tear was shed that day

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The two of us were woken up by both of our phones going off, as well as sirens echoing.

"Oh boy that's not a good sign." I said while yawning, I grabbed both our phones and handed Naoto's to her.

"Shirogane here. WHAT!? There's been another murder? No I'll be there right away." She said as we got off the couch, then she went to another room to get changed.

I answered my phone. Must be Yosuke.

"Yeah I hear the sirens-" I began, then quickly found out that it was NOT Yosuke.

"Then you should know why. I need you to come down to the station for questioning." Dojima said.

"Why?" I asked as I got dressed.

"Because the body that was found was your teacher's, relax I'll be in the interrogation room with you. It's just to put the higher ups at ease. You're kinda the prime suspect right now." He said.

"*sigh*, I'll be down right away." I said.

Meanwhile at Junes.

Yu's POV.

I met with the others at the food court.

"Hey, over here! Yosuke went to check out the scene, he should be back soon." Chie said as I sat down.

Yosuke came running up to us.

"*gasp*, yeah it was murder all right. The body was hanging upside down on an apartment's rooftop railing." Yosuke said.

"But, how could that?" Yukiko began.

"That's not all. The victim this time, it was King Moron." Yosuke said.

"K-King Moron!?" Chie asked in shock.

"You mean THAT King Moron? Senpai's homeroom teacher?" Kanji asked.

"Wh-Why!? What on earth is going on here!?" Chie asked.

"How am I supposed to know!? But I talked to a guy there who saw it! It's true, there's no mistake." Yosuke said.

"Gotta be shitting me. Ain't the killer targeting people who get shown on TV? I ain't never seen King Moron on the Midnight Channel, or any other programs!" Kanji said.

"Why? Why did this happen?" Yosuke asked.

"I thought we finally figured some things out, were they all just a big coincidence?" Chie asked.

"Maybe the Midnight Channel doesn't have anything to do with this." Yukiko said.

"Dammit! We came so far and now we're back to square one!? Were we in over our heads? Trying to catch a culprit that even the police couldn't find?" Yosuke asked.

"It's too early to give up." I said.

"Damn straight! We started this thing 'cause the police can't tell their asses from their elbows." Kanji said.

By this time Y/n had arrived.

Y/n POV.

"YEAH DON'T REMIND ME. That was a complete waste of time!" I said as I sat down.

"Anyways, if we give up now, and that shithead's gonna be on the loose forever. This ain't the time for bitchin' and moanin'. We just gotta keep on keeping on." Kanji said.

"Kanji-kun." Yukiko said.

"Huh, big talk coming from someone like you, Kanji." Teddie said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Kanji said.

The path to the truth: Male Reader X NaotoWhere stories live. Discover now