The Angry Kung Fu, Master?

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WHOA! RED FLAG, RED FLAG!!! Something is definitely wrong there!

I got a call from Yosuke, in a conference call with Yu.

"Hey did you see that? That was Yukiko for sure! It looked like her, I mean she even said her name! But didn't the stuff she was saying sound weird? And she looked like she was on some low budget show, was it like this before too? What's going on?" Yosuke asked

"Try to contact Chie." I said

"You're right! Let's get her to contact Yukiko! Tomorrow's Sunday, so let's meet up at Junes first thing in the morning!" He said

We hung up, then I went to bed.

April 17

Yu and I headed downstairs, Nanako is just sitting by herself at the table.

"Oh, good morning." She said

"You're up early today." I said

"Dad woke up early, so I woke up with him. He said he's gonna be late." She said

I don't want to leave her alone, especially with that psycho out there, but, we've got to rescue Yukiko, and from what I can tell she's smart enough not to answer the door to strangers.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked. "I'll be fine by myself."

She turned on the TV.

"So the weather this weekend will be perfect for going out. As for next week's forecast-"

"Oh, the sun's gonna come out. I should do some laundry. Umm, weren't you going somewhere?" She asked

We headed out, before I could catch up to Yu and reach Junes, something appeared right in front of me, it looks like a Circuit for Summoning Link monsters, anyways I fell through, and into the Velvet Room.

"My apologies for interrupting you, I thought I might do you a favour as one of your companions is, about to do something that would compromise things. I awakened a new ability for you. You now possess the power to pass between dimensions, this world, the TV world, and the real world." Igor said.

"Thanks, but I really gotta get caught up." I said

"Very well, until we meet again." Igor said as I fell through another portal, in front of Dojima's house!

I walked as fast as I could over to Junes. Yosuke, Chie and Yu were sitting at a table.

"Sorry I'm late, I got held up by something." I said

"It's probably for the best, if you had come with you mighta ended back in Juvie." Yosuke said

Apparently Yosuke had the genius idea of waving weapons around in public, causing him and Yu to get arrested. They're wearing their school uniforms to hide the weapons and gear they got.

"I won't need any, I've got my own weapons." I said.

"Yeah, I guess we really stick out, it doesn't help that we're wearing our uniforms on a Sunday. The sale should end soon, so that should get rid of the people wandering around here. Alright, let's get going." He said. "Chie it's not too late to-"

"I'm going!"

"Fine, but don't push yourself, got it?" Yosuke said

We headed into the TV world.

We met up with Teddie, who was standing over in the corner holding his head. I'm not sure what's going on here.

"Whoa, it really is that bear from last time!"
Chie said

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