The Hermit's requests

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May 5

It's the last day of Golden Week. I should check out somewhere I haven't been yet. I think I'm gonna check out that old shrine.

There's no one here, and this place is REALLY run down. It's not very well maintained. I turned to go home, when I heard movement near me. I turned around to see a fox wearing a red bandanna around its neck on the roof of the shrine. It jumped down to the ground in front of me. There's an Ema plaque in its mouth. It says on it "Please help Grandpa's legs get better- Keita."

It's got someone's wish written on it. Why did it give it to me? Upon further inspection, there's an unusually shaped leaf on the back of it, I don't recognize it from the local plant life. Is this also the work of the mysterious fox? It suddenly jumped away, and an old man walked up to me.

"Oh, not every day you see young'uns like you around here. Nobody lives here anymore. I come to tidy things up once in a while, but my legs are so achy, I just can't do it. I've been trying to get this place up to snuff, but there just isn't enough money to go around. Well, I s'pose I'll pay my respects. If my legs don't heal, I can't maintain the shrine. That, and I won't be able to visit Keita anymore. He's my grandson you know." He said

This might be the same Keita that made the wish.

"Hmm? What's that you got in your hand there? Could it be!? That leaf, that's it! Way back when, my grandmother always used to say a leaf like that was the best kind of remedy out there! Ah, what memories! But how'd you get your hands on this? I didn't think you could find those in the mountains anymore. P-please young man! Can I trouble you to spare me that leaf?" He asked

I handed him the leaf.

"Ooh, this is it, this is it. Now let's see here." He said

The old man stuck the leaf to his leg. Look, I'm not gonna question this guy's sanity, but if that crap were true, I wouldn't have the leg problems I do now. 

"Oooh! I can feel it! It's working! Amazing! The pain I've been feeling for who knows how long, it just up and vanished! Why, I feel better than I have in years! You really helped me out young man. I'm so grateful! Now I can go visit my grandson! I'd better pay thanks to this shrine for bringing us together like this!" He said

He quickly dropped some money off, then ran off.

"Ok, I'll admit it, I'm impressed. You can come on out now." I said

The fox seems to understand that the wish was fulfilled, and that an offering was made. Clever. Maybe I was given that thing for a purpose, the fox sure seems to like me. It's got a mouthful of the same leaves I gave to the old man. Maybe, I wonder.

Thou Art I, and I am Thou

Thou hast established a new bond
It shall bring thee closer to the truth

Thou shalt be blessed when using the power of the Hermit Arcana

Hermit Social Link: Rank 1

It's running around me in circles, and went to the offering box

"Wait wait wait, are you, offering your services for cash? Because I could really use your help." I said

It yipped in agreement

I returned the Ema to the shrine and went home.

The three of us were watching TV.

"The prime suspect in yesterday's ATM robbery in northern Inaba was arrested earlier today. The alleged thief is Pumena Sushin, a 26 year old former employee of the company from which the vehicle was stolen. According to the police investigation, Pumena Sushin was..."

"I'm home." Dojima said. "*sigh, how many days is he gonna call in sick? These rookies lately sure are—"

Nanako ran up to hug him.

"Welcome back!" She said

"Nanako, I'm I broke my promise again." He said

"Oh, um, my big brothers and their friends played with me instead." She said

"I see, thanks." Dojima said

"Ooh!  That's a Junes bag! What's in it?" Nanako asked

"Haha, good eye. Well today is children's day, so I brought you a present." He said

"Yaaay! Oooh, a t shirt!" She said

"Haha, it took me a while to decide what to get you, you like it?" He asked

"Oh wow, there's a picture on the front, it's so funny! Ahaha, yay!" She said

"I got you guys one too, not that your children or anything, but that's fair." He said as he brought out two different swimsuits.

"Thank you." I said

"Your welcome."

"Don't mention it. I thought you both might need one soon. Well then, let's eat." Dojima said

"Okay!" Nanako said

We enjoyed supper together.

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