What do you know? I did

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When the light cleared, I was in a large open area, it's a black and yellow highway sort of structure, there's fog everywhere, and most of the road is broken up. There's a limo mounted on top of a broken piece of debris, with a very distinct V on the front of it.

Yu's on the ground with a book in his hand, looking extremely confused.

"What's going on?" He asked

"Uh, I can explain?" I said as a very angry Margaret kicked out the door of the limo and jumped down.

"You just had to play with energies you don't understand, I gave the manifesto to you to aide you, not to break the barrier between dimensions!" She said as she walked over to us.

"Hey I had no idea what- wait, wasn't the barrier broken already?" I asked

"Yes it- that's beside the point! You may have just made it worse." She said

"But, I don't understand. The only parts of the dimensions that have merged are the TV World and VRAINS. From what I can tell, nothing else has changed." I said

"*sigh, it's not the merging of the dimensions that concerns me, it's the re-emergence of the "other side", and the seal breaking on the Crawling Chaos." She said

"Yeah, you lost me at "merging of the dimensions"." Yu said

"It wasn't always like this, our worlds used to be one. Long ago, at the birth of mankind, there was a war. A war between gods, three of them specifically. The Crawling Chaos, The Holy Grail, and the one who exists in between. They fought over control over the world, and over mankind. The war itself never took place on earth, it took place inside the collective unconsciousness. When a threat emerged from
deep within the unconsciousness, one that threatened to erase all of existence, the three agreed to a truce. By combining their powers, they forged a weapon, one that could seal away the threat back into the unconsciousness. Once the threat was dealt with, a truce was made. The three would never again wage war directly, but would act through champions, hand picked by them." She said

"What about the weapon?" I asked

"It was too dangerous to leave in the hands of the Grail and Crawling Chaos, so the one who exists in between gave it to humanity, and it was he who would watch over the unconsciousness. Not before humanity had gotten their hands on it, the weapon you know as, the Spear of Destiny. It could be used to rewrite reality, and could even alter the memories and powers of the gods." She said.

"The Spear of Destiny, but, then that means-"

"It means a lot of things, the Catholic Church used it's power to rule the world for centuries." She said.

"That, explains a lot actually." I said

"After the Second World War, the spear was eventually returned to the unconsciousness, but humanity was unpredictable. In the year 1995, an evil organization sought it's power once more, and in doing so, tore open the collective unconsciousness and unleashed demons into your world. The one who exists between chose 10 champions to combat the evil and repair the tear in reality. About three years later, an event like that occurred again. Only this time it was the work of a masked madman, hellbent on revenge. It was revealed during that incident that the Crawling Chaos was behind it all, including the one prior. In a last ditch effort to save humanity, the one who exists in between used the power of the spear to undo certain events, splitting the timeline along with the entire world in the process, which resulted in the creation of the other side. Once all was said and done, the Crawling Chaos was sealed away along with the other side." She explained

"But what does that have to do with this?" I asked

"That, is a seal, on a new god's powers. The power to erase a god from existence. My, son's powers." She said.

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea about any of this." I said

"It's not your fault, I should've informed you earlier, but, there is something you should know. A human has the spear, and is trying to break open the other side, I believe that human is responsible for affecting my family's memories and our lives." She said

"If that person's the killer-" Yu said

"Then we're gonna need more power. Which is why you want me to gather the Arcana Shards." I said.

"Exactly. Now, if you'll give me a minute, I'll send you two home." She said as she took the manifesto.

She began spinning it around and filling it with energy, a huge burst came out of it and Yu and I were sent home.

The path to the truth: Male Reader X NaotoWhere stories live. Discover now