The Mystery of the Aeon

157 7 3

April 19

Now that we've saved Yukiko, it's time to relax. Well, as much as I can at least. Maybe I'll go get drunk in the Velvet Room. I Wonder if Igor will let me?

I stepped inside the entrance in the shopping district.

"Welcome, to the Velvet Room." Igor said. "Well then, I shall tell you about how I can offer my "Assistance.". I can gather a number of monsters and personas you capture using the D4C system and fuse them together, to either make stronger Personas or weapons and armour." He said

"Ok, but what's the D4C system?" I asked

"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap. It allows you to use the power of Personas by transforming your body into a shadow, and taking on different forms of Personas. It may also allow you to duplicate yourself, should the need arise." Margaret said.

"Interesting, I'll, get back to you on that." I said.

I left after that, quickly realizing that maybe I should see what's up with that Marie chick I went back in.

"Oh, you came. You must come here a lot huh. Whatcha want this time? It doesn't matter to me." Marie said

"Excuse us. Marie you must learn to restrain yourself." Margaret said.

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Stupidtightblockheadtwerp." She said

"I truly apologize, she is too unruly for me to handle." Margaret said

"I feel for you." I said

"*chuckle*, you are quite right. However this is all to help you on your journey." Margaret said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"This Room is inseparable from your fate. Nothing in this Room happens without purpose. It seems you and Marie has already met before you encountered her in this room. Encountering one who is not of man, and communicating with her, your fate has led you to this meeting." Margaret said

"One who is not of man?" I asked

"Indeed. This room is the crossroads of your fates. You, the customer, and she who is not of man, who has wandered into this place. Where will this meeting lead? Excuse me for saying so, but we too are interested in the outcome. Though she was in this land before you, Marie is not of Man. In other words, her understanding of the world which you live is incomplete. Therefore, I ask of you to please take her outside of this room, if you would. Ok Marie?" Margaret asked

"...whatever." Marie said. "Nevermind. Look, I'm sure you already know I want you to take me somewhere. It's small it's dark, the Nose never says anything. It's stuffy in here. I'm not really supposed to leave the room, but Margaret said it'd be ok if I went with you. I uh, well Nevermind. Will you take me somewhere?"

It seems Marie is intent on going out, if I become closer to her she might be able to tell me something.

"Sure." I said

"Don't you think you're giving in too easily? I'll have you twisted around my finger if this keeps up.... that's the saying right? I've been studying. Well let's go."

We went out to the shopping district, in front of the steak shop.

"Phew, I can finally breathe. It's stuffy in that car. Y'know, I feel weird. It's like, Nostalgic, for the smell and all." Marie said

"Nostalgic?" I asked

"Yeah, Nostalgic. That's what I said. It just, feels that way. There's a lot of stuff that I've never noticed before. A "steak skewer"?" She asked as she walked up to the shop. "Hey lady, I want one of those skewer things."

The path to the truth: Male Reader X NaotoWhere stories live. Discover now