Cal's Casino of Shame

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Teddie led us to a massive Casino, it's got a giant Roulette Wheel spinning in front of the entrance.

"I know he's Yakuza, but why a Casino?" Yosuke asked

"I don't know, I was half expecting something out of a Steven Seagal movie." Chie said.

"Just be ready. Who knows what we're gonna see in here." I said.

"The good news is, he's not far in. The bad news is there's a lot of shadows in here!" Teddie said.

"Okay I'm brining backup. D4C, 1%! I said as 10 copies of me appeared behind me.

We walked in, and were greeted by a bunch of ninja shadows.

"I could really use a better projectile weapon." I said as I went into Bow and Arrow Mode. "Actually, I have a better idea. Yukiko, follow after me!"

I put on the Grappling armour, then grabbed onto one of the Ninjas, and spun them around. Yukiko lit the Ninja on fire, turning it into a flaming wrecking ball, completely annihilating half of the ninjas.

"Alright Yu, let's go!" I said while switching to sword mode, and the two of us knocked the rest of the Ninjas into the air and slashed them to pieces.

Well that was easy.

"Strange, I'm not sensing that tornado near here." Teddie said

"It's probably because we're from the same world. We should be care- what the hell!?" I said

We ended up on a giant Craps table. There's a huge stack of chips to the right and left of us. And it's a dead end too.

"As long as I win, I don't care what happens to everyone else. I just care about getting off scoff free." Cal's voice said.

"Something's not right about this place. I'm constantly sensing him nearby and far away at the same time!" Teddie said

"My guess is that he's on the Roulette Wheel." I said.

"More than likely, how do we get up there?" Yosuke asked.

I looked at both stacks of chips, and at the ceiling.

"It's high up, but we might be able to stack our way up there." I said

"We're gonna have to build our way up!?" Chie asked

"Do you see another way through?" I asked. "Hey, I have an idea. Yu and Yosuke, see if you can pick one up."

"Okay, but why?" Yu asked as they walked over to the stack.

"I got an idea." I said. "If I can multiply myself, why shouldn't I be able to multiply other objects?"

"Good thinking." Yosuke said

I opened a link Portal, and the two of them threw it through it.

Author's Note: now for those of you who don't know how D4C works, whenever an object or person aside from the user that is the exact same as the one in the universe your in comes in contact with one another, they both are destroyed. Say if I bring a pillow from another world with me, if I run into the exact same pillow, both of them would be destroyed.

I opened another portal near the ceiling, and something weird happened, all of the chips that came out exploded when they came into contact with one another!

"What the hell was that!?" I asked

"I dunno, but I don't think the ceiling liked it!" Yosuke said.

A crack formed, and the Roulette Wheel began to fall through and was headed right for the Craps Table. I portaled all of us onto the Wheel after it crashed into the table. The real Cal is in the centre of the wheel, while the Shadow is hovering above it.

The path to the truth: Male Reader X NaotoWhere stories live. Discover now