Strength of a Team

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April 23

After school

Yu and I both attended Soccer Practice, as per usual I was stuck with cleaning up after them. After organizing all the balls I turned towards the goalpost. The other players all ran off

"Mind if I lend a hand?" He asked

"That would be nice." I said

Daisuke walked up to us.

"Are you kidding me? Everyone's supposed to take turns, not leave it to one person. You guys don't have to do that let's just go home." He said

"Hey guys, did the soccer team finish early today?" Kou asked. "What's wrong?"

"I got stuck with clean up. By myself." I said

"Let me guess, they told you that it was your job? Predictable. But yeah you should probably do it anyway." Kou said

"How come? They got no right to dump it all on him?" Daisuke said

"Don't do it because they told you to, do it because you "want to help", that'll throw 'em off guard. Here I'll help out too it'll go faster." Kou said

The four of us cleaned up the field.

"Whew, I'm beat." Kou said

"That's because you got so into polishing those balls man. You gotta pace yourself." Daisuke said

"Nah, it's not my style to half ass things."

"Still it went pretty fast with 4 people." Daisuke said

"Thanks for the help." I said

"No problem."

"Hey, you wanna grab some Ramen on the way home?" Kou asked

Clean up went way faster with their help, I'm definitely in for some Ramen.

Strength Social Link: Rank 2

We went over to the Chinese Diner Aiya.

"Hey I saw that first year at your practice today Daisuke. She was watching you the entire time, I even heard her say, "Wow! He kicked the ball so hard!", I mean duh, that's kinda the point of the game." Kou said

"I didn't notice." Daisuke said

"Really? What a waste." Kou said

"Enough of that crap, Yu, wanna stay after practice to work on your game a little more? Let's show those guys what you can do." Daisuke said

"Yeah that's a good idea. If you can run circles around them they'll have to accept you, right?" Kou said

"Exactly, then it's decided. You're helping too Kou, and you Y/n. You gotta get meaner, more strict that way you won't have to pick up after us all the damn time."

"What? Since when do I have anything to do with the soccer team?" Kou said

The four of us discussed practice, then went our separate ways. After putting some ice on my knee I went to bed.

April 23

It's Sunday today, might be a good time to get a part time job. They're hiring over at the local daycare. Well, I'm not the best with kids but I'll give it a shot. I made a phone call, then took the bus to the hill overlooking the town.

I introduced myself to the kids as an assistant caretaker. They seem to be pretty interested in me.

"Mister do you have a girlfriend?" The boy asked

"Don't ask him that, you creep!" The girl said

"Let's play tag mister! You're it!" Another boy said as he ran up to me.

I might end up regretting this decision. But I'll entertain them, as long as I can that is. I chased after them for most of the afternoon. Everyone except the one boy is left. It seems as if his guardian hasn't come to pick him up yet. My supervisor walked up to me

"How are things Y/n? Has everyone been picked up? Looks like Yuuta kun is still here. It's always like this though."

A woman came walking up to us, and the kid ran behind me.

"Hi Yuu kun, I'm sorry I'm late

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"Hi Yuu kun, I'm sorry I'm late." She said

"Whatever." The boy said

He ran off behind her.

"Are you one of the supervisors?" She asked me. "I see, I'm sure Yuu kun will cause trouble for you again, but please take care of him."

She walked off after the boy.

"Yuuta Minami. He's full of energy during the day sessions, maybe too much energy. But once she arrives he's a totally different kid. She's his stepmother so I guess it can't be helped. Yuuta kun's father got remarried to the woman you just met. I heard she's from the city, I really don't know what she's thinking. Perhaps that's why Yuuta kun's such a troublemaker at school too. The other day he-"

She went on and on... once she was finished I collected my pay of 10000 yen and went home.

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