Eclectic Loutwits

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Author's Note: it makes sense, I assure you.

At the Dojima household.

The four of us were sitting at the dinner table.

"The 4th and the 5th. I think I might be able to get the 4th and the 5th off." Dojima said

"Really!?" Nanako asked excitedly. "Really?"

"What you don't believe me?" Dojima asked

"It's always canceled." Nanako said

"N-not every year! I know you wanted to go to Junes, but I wouldn't mind going a little further out of the neighborhood." Dojima said

"Really!? Can we go on a trip?" Nanako asked

"Well, it might be ok to go on a trip once in a while. I'm sure it'll be crowded everywhere though." Dojima said

"Yaaay! We're going on a trip!" Nanako said

"Hmm, alright alright. Then we need to think of someplace to go. How about you two, you want to come along with us?"

"I'd love to." I said

"Yeah! Let's all go together!" Nanako said

"*chuckle, Looks like Nanako wants us all to go."

"Let's bring boxed lunches!" Nanako said

"Yeah, good idea. We're always eating side dishes for dinner. But I can't cook, and Nanako's not good enough yet to make them by herself. Well, it'll work out, that's what we've got these guys for, huh Nanako?" Dojima said as he patted us on the shoulders

"Yaaay! Boxed lunches!" Nanako said

Well it's a good thing I'm a one man army. Multitasking will be a sinch.

Yu and I headed upstairs for the night.

May 1

It's a day off. Let's see what Marie's up to, I mean aside from not much since she's stuck in that limo. Not much has changed, as expected.

"Huh? Oh you wanted to see me? Well now that your here, take me somewhere lively. I want to go see Joo Nes, I heard about that place." She said

"Before you leave, I'd like to have a word with you." Margaret said to me. "Don't worry, I won't take much of your time."

"Ok, what's up?"

"Normally an attendant here in the room such as myself is supposed to have a list of Personas I want you to bring me, as well as other requests that will aide you in growth, however, I have a more, personal request." She said as she brought out a strange object. It's a small wheel like shape, with about 22 triangular notches in it, each marked with a different seal of some kind. "This is the Arcana Manifesto, it was used to seal away the power of- you know what, that's, irrelevant at this point. As you can tell, it's missing several pieces. I scattered them across time and space to ensure they would never fall into the wrong hands, or the seals be broken at the wrong time. I would like you to gather them for me. In return, well, you'll see, I assure you you will be rewarded."

"Well, sounds easy enough." I asked

Thou Art I, and I am Thou

Thou hast established a new bond
It shall bring thee closer to the truth

Thou shalt be blessed when using the power of the Empress Arcana

Empress Social Link: Rank 1

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