The slacking off Jester

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Evening, at the Dojima Household

"Welcome back." Dojima said.

"I went shopping today, the fridge is full of food." Nanako said

"Hey, can I have a word with you?" Dojima asked. "You go to Junes a lot?"

"Very often." I said

"That ass Adachi keeps vanishing every now and again. I figure he's probably slacking off at Junes. If you see him hanging around when you're at Junes, he's probably goofing around. So if you see Adachi, tell him off for me." He said

I sat down at the table and we had a chat.

"I saw something at the station the other day. About well, I heard you guys hang out at Junes pretty often. Nothing wrong with that of course. The question is, why do you make so many trips to and from the electronic department?" Dojima asked

"Daaaaaad." Nanako said

"Oh, er, this isn't what you think. I'm not interrogating him." He said

"It's not fair. You're always talking with big bro." She said

"What?" Dojima asked confusedly

"I mean, today you're home, but.."

"I always talk with you." Dojima said

"When is always? I, I wanna talk." Nanako said as she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"*sigh, it's bedtime for you already. Go to sleep, I'll play with you next time." Dojima said

"You promised." Nanako said. She reluctantly returned to her room.

"When is always Huh?" He asked

"Why not play with her?" I asked

"I'm busy. Truth is, I mostly left raising her up to my wife, her mother. So, I don't really know how to approach her. Plus, I'm not fit to be her family." Dojima said

"Fit or not, you're family." I said

"Maybe you're right. You think that just being related by blood makes you "family"? That's not the case." He said

He seems like he's having a rough go at this.

Hierophant Social Link: Rank 3

"Oh, sorry. You didn't need to hear about that. Get some sleep, 'night." He said

I headed up to my room for the night.

May 13

Maybe I'll take a peak at Junes, see what the slacker is up to.

"Oh, it's you. What's the matter? Can I help you?" Adachi asked. He doesn't look to happy to see me.

"Dojima sent me." I said

"Really!? D-Dojima san!? Well, obviously I'm working here. It's easy to investigate with all these people around. It's cool in the summer, and warm in the winter. It's a pretty good place to go to. Yeah I think I've said enough." He said

"I'll hang out with you too." I said

"Really? That's a little strange. What're you doing here? Killing time? Hope you're not causing trouble, we've got enough shit on our hands right now without having to deal with you. Tough to do out here in the sticks, isn't it? There's nothing here. It's not like the city at all." He said

"It's not too bad." That's a lie, not that I'm super dependant on the stuff, but this place is so technologically backwards I'm pretty certain there are people here with dial up phones.

"Oh? But you're from the city too right? You'll find out soon enough, this town really is dead. Get this, my first assignment here was tracking down a cat. My suit got so dirty, and they wouldn't let me expense the dry cleaning bill. Next I played peacemaker in a spat some married couple was having. I can't believe they've got the police doing that stuff. But it's been more dangerous lately, so I can't kick back. There's that one case, You know? It's still not solved yet. The higher ups don't know what to do, they keep changing procedure on the fly. Oops! I hope I'm not making you nervous. You guys have nothing to worry about. Us police are on the job." He said

Well, it seems like Adachi cares for me, he's been giving me a dirty look the entire time.

Thou Art I, and I am Thou
Thou hast established a new bond

It shall bring thee closer to the truth

Thou shalt be blessed when using the power of the Jester Arcana.

Jester Social Link: Rank 1

"Well, time for me to get back to work." Adachi said

An old lady came through one of the doors, and Adachi hid behind me.

"Phew that was close. I better go, you better hurry on home too." He said. "Don't fell Dojima san I was in Junes, okay?"

After he left I headed home.

The four of us are watching TV.

"Young men, recklessly riding their motorcycles, disturbing the peace of this quiet town. Our special report took a turn for the violent as one of the apparent leaders attacked the camera crew!"

 Our special report took a turn for the violent as one of the apparent leaders attacked the camera crew!"

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"The hell are you punks doin' here!?" He shouted

"That voice." Dojima said

"This ain't a show! Get bent!" He said

"Still up to the same old tricks?" Dojima asked

"Do you know him dad?" Nanako asked

"Hm, I know him through work. His name's Kanji Tatsumi, he's quite a handful. He's been crushing biker gangs in the area since middle school. But I thought he got into a high school and started attending class? Man that blur sure is pointless, it's completely obvious who it is. The guy's family runs a historic textile shop. I think what happened was he crushed all the local bikers all by himself because the noise kept his mother up at night. It's a nice gesture, but he's way too violent. At this rate his mother'll have to apologize again." Dojima said

"Oh, the weather report is showing on the bottom. It's going to rain tomorrow. I'll make sure to hang the laundry inside the house." Nanako said

Man, doesn't sound like someone I'd want to cross paths with. Might end up in a fight with him if I'm not careful.

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