School Camp: Part 1

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Today is the first day of the school campout.

I managed to slack off and ditch for most of the garbage picking. Like hell I was gonna spend my first time camping in two years picking up other peoples' trash. I eventually found the eating area and met back up with Yu and the others.

"Ugh, picking up all that trash was murder on my back. I can't believe someone threw away an entire bike! Dammit, litterers should have to deal with their own garbage. Anyways time for dinner, man, I'm starving." He said.

I went over to my own cooking station and started putting together my own food, while listening to the others.

"Dude the girls cooked just for us! Not that I expect much outta Chie, but Yukiko's got the full tradition of the Amagi Inn behind her food! You know it's gonna be out of this world!" Yosuke said.

"I'll give you mine too." Yu said.

"Yeah don't eat anything she gives you." I said.

"Huh? Why so generous all of a sudden? It's okay man, just enjoy! I can't wait to dig in!" Yosuke said.

Cal and I were working on our own food while listening to the girls.

"Should we, taste this?" Yukiko asked.

"Huh? O-Only if you do it first!" Chie said.

There appears to be a dark ominous purple aura coming from that pot.

"Oh man here it comes!" Yosuke said.

"Uhhh, sorry for the wait, um, we put a lot of love into it." Chie said.

"Oh really? That's kinda cliched but still awesome. Okay then, chow time!" Yosuke said as he began to dig in. He started gagging, then spit it out.

"H-Hey?" Chie asked.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!? I mean what kinda *cough* *cough*, curry's supposed to be like "really spicy" or "kinda mild", this just stinks! And it's gritty too! It's somehow both gritty and slimy, and it's got squishy part in it. It's so freakin' nasty I can't even swallow it!" Yosuke said.

"Well it just didn't mix too well, but it does offer a wide variety of textures." Chie said.

"It's Nauseating!" Yosuke said.

"C'mon it's not THAT bad! That's just your opinion!" Chie said as her and Yukiko turned towards Yu.

"I'm telling you as a friend, don't do it. I wouldn't even joke about trying that slop!" Yosuke said.

Yu started to eat some. He spit it out immediately.

They cleaned up their mess while we ate our food.

"We're sorry." Chie said.

"Sorry." Yukiko said.

"What're we gonna do? Our group's the only one without food. I mean if it was even slightly edible that'd be one thing, but I'm not taking another bite of this Mystery Food X." Yosuke said.

The group smelled something good nearby that wasn't our food.

"Something smells good." Chie said.

They turned to find Hanako sitting by herself, eating a bowl of curry.

"Hanako, I don't have any choice, and besides she owes me, considering what she did to my motorcycle. H-Hey Hanako, you wouldn't happen to have any extra curry left, huh? C'mon give us some! We're begging you! We're starving to death here!" Yosuke said.

"No way! I'm on a diet right now, so this is all that I made. It has to last me." Hanako said.

"All that you made? It's like a bucketful." Chie said.

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