Chap 1

32 8 1

-Luna's POV-

I promptly wake up to the sound of my alarm and take a good amount of time to get ready in order to look presentable for my interview. I'm recently an intern at a clothing company but as I aim higher, I dropped my cv at a famous clothing brand.

The interview goes well, stepping out of the the building I make my way towards home again. As I calmly stand on the pavement waiting for traffic lights to turn red in order to cross the road, I'm suddenly tackled to the ground by

To my surprise it starts to lick me making me giggle out of the tickling feeling.

MAN: Kevin get off!

Someone calls out to the dog.

MAN: I'm so sorry! Are you ok?

He asks worriedly offering me his hand.

LUNA: Yeah I'm fine.

I say as I take his hand and get up on my feet. In that mere moment I speedily analyze him, he's a charismatic guy maybe in his late twenties with black eyes and hair, tall height and a handsome face.

MAN: Kevin just got too excited while chasing a butterfly.

He said giving his leash to some other guy behind him. Well Kevin was a full grown black retriever whose impactful jump didn't fail to push me along too.

LUNA: He's cute and I didn't mind cause I love dogs myself.

I said while adoring Kevin.

MAN: Your elbow's hurt.

He stated worriedly causing me to trace his sight and look at what I didn't even notice.

MAN: You need first aid.
LUNA: I'll be fine, it's just a cut.
MAN: It's bleeding and could get infected. Let me take you to the hospital.
LUNA(contemplates): Umm....
MAN(insists): Please? It could lessen my guilt too.

I look up at him for a while and when my senses assure me that he can't be any danger, I give in. We get into a cab while he orders the same man to take Kevin home, who looks like a bodyguard to me by his looks.

Although it's just a 10 minute ride to the nearest hospital the prevailing silence is awkward.

MAN: I'm Dean Carter.

He breaks the silence by introducing himself. Wow, hadn't I realized he has a name too if he didn't mention it.

LUNA: I'm Luna Wesley.
DEAN(Compliments): That's a nice name.
LUNA: Thanks.
DEAN: I was out for a walk with Kevin. I've been busy lately so we rarely got to spend time together.
LUNA(teasingly): Aw poor Kevin.
DEAN: It makes me sound like a bad owner right?

He pouts making me titter. When we reach the hospital, a nurse escorts me to a room and cleans my wound. I'm informed that my bill was paid, what a thorough gentleman, just then Dean enters the room.

LUNA: Thank you.
DEAN: Mention not.

We pass eachother a genuine smile before involuntarily staring at each other. His eyes are really dreamy. What are you doing Luna? My subconsciousness speaks and I immediately break the eye contact.

LUNA: Uh.. We should leave... I'm done.
DEAN: Oh right... I can drop you.
LUNA: There's no need, you've already done enough. I can go by myself.
DEAN: You sure?

I nod.

DEAN: It was nice meeting you Luna. Go safely.
LUNA: Same here. Have a good day.

We say as we shake hands formally.

DEAN: Oh and hope to see you again!

He beamed before getting into a cab riding off. While I preferred to walk to my apartment as it's not at much of a distance.

As soon as I enter, I'm greeted by my friend.

MIA: Hey! How did the interview go?
LUNA: It went great I'm ascertain that I'll get the job.
MIA: Cool. What happened to your elbow?

She asked as soon as she saw the bandage. I smiled as I'm reminded of him again.

LUNA: Oh this? Long story.
MIA: You think I've much to do?

I laugh and tell her everything that happened.

MIA: Woah so you met a handsome dude by chance plus a kind one. Did you get his number?
LUNA: Are you crazy why would I? I don't know anything about him besides his and his dog's name.
MIA: You could've.
LUNA: I'm not interested and it's not like we'll cross paths again.

Mia and I've been friends since university, she's my only best friend and we share every single stuff. Mia's a designer like me currently working as an intern too. We share this apartment dividing all the expenses equally.

The next day, Sunday, nothing much to do. After grocery shopping, Mia and I plan a movie marathon. We quietly watch Mission Impossible when my phone dings and I check to find an email from the brand I interviewed.

LUNA: Pause it for a minute.
MIA: What happened?
LUNA: I've received an email as a response to my job application.
MIA: Go ahead open it.

I take a deep breath before reading and...... OH MY SHNOOKERDOOKIES!!

LUNA(shout happily): I got accepted!!!

Mia and I squeal in exhilaration.

MIA: I knew you would get in Girl! So when will you join?
LUNA: Next week. Perfect timing cause my internship period is also ending next week.

Mia gives me a thumbs up instead as her mouth is currently stuffed with popcorns. We resume our movie but I drift off to my thoughts.

It's all because of you Ian. Thank you for everything. I promise I'll work hard and make you proud. I miss you Ian, I wish you were here.

My eyes start to glisten up, I sigh and focus back on Tom Cruise. Around 9, I cook dinner before we get to bed.


Hellooo readers! So this was the first chapter. Hope you look forward to upcoming ones. First meet up was a coincidence now let's see how else they cross paths...

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