Chap 28

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-Dean's POV-

My most horrid nightmare came true. She figured it out.

The world stopped for me when she looked at me with those hurtful eyes, as if I have betrayed her, played her and hurt her intentionally.

I couldn't muster up the courage to tell her the same day I got to know. The result....she doesn't trust me anymore.

Ian was my favorite and most trusted employee. He was financer of the company and seeing him work diligently for good 24 months, I made up my mind to promote him.

Luna was already grieving for her lost brother, how could I offend her further telling her that Ian was the one who betrayed me!

On our way home from work.

NICK: Boss, I'm sorry, we'll have to go back to the company, I forgot a file I have to work on this weekend.
DEAN: Alright.

He takes a U turn and we head back. Upon arriving, we see a man carrying a large bag from the building.

NICK: Boss, he looks like Ian.
DEAN: Ian? But what is he doing at this hour?
NICK: Something's not right, he looks in a rush. I'll call the police.
DEAN: Nick? What're you doing?

I try to stop him.

NICK: Boss, it's evident that Ian's running away with money, he's in finance department after all, he can withdraw money easily.
DEAN: You cannot involve the police on basis of suspicion.
NICK: Sorry boss, but this is necessary.

He calls the police and they soon arrive nabbing Ian in action. Me and my secretary then get out of the car.

NICK: Search his bag officer.
IAN(worried): Nick? What're you doing?

They open up the bag which reveals bundles of notes. I can't believe my eyes.

DEAN: Ian?

I look at him with disbelief and disappointment.

IAN: Boss, I wasn't stealing! I swear! Nick called me to withdraw this much of money because you needed it urgently.
NICK: Stop lying. When did I?
OFFICER: Mr. Dean, did you perhaps?

What's going on?

DEAN: No officer I didn't.
IAN(scared): Boss, please don't do this.
NICK: You heard him officer.

I still can't contemplate what is happening. Why was Ian stealing? Why did he take my name? Is he lying to save himself?

IAN(pleads): No... No. Boss, please trust me! I would never do that! Why don't you tell them that you asked for it so I was bringing it to you!
NICK: Please take him away officer.

The policemen start dragging Ian to the police van. Till the end he averred that he didn't do anything.

I couldn't even imagine someone like Ian could stab me in the back.
End of Flashback

I sigh as I fall on bed. I understand Luna is Ian's sister and she'll never accept the fact that his brother did a crime. She'll always blame me so there was no use of explaining her. She'll always choose her brother over me.

I break down into tears, my heart aching at the fact that she did not trust me...... She's gone from my life now and there's no way she'll return. I've lost the love of my life.....

-Luna's POV-

A month, it's been over 30 days since that egregious day which lead to our estrangement. No texts, no calls, no meetups, nothing..... Everything came to end, those beautiful days came to an end......

I would be lying if I say I didn't miss Dean. His thoughts are always at the back of my head.

MIA: You're lost again.

I snap out of my thoughts. Mia pauses the movie before turning to me.

MIA: It's been a month Luna, if you keep thinking about what happened, you won't be able to get over it.
LUNA: I know, I can't control it.

I feebly complain.

MIA: I've been trying to pull you out of the mess and you still keep drowning deeper. It can't go on like this.
LUNA: I'm so sorry Mia. I assure you it won't happen again.

I hug her tightly. That's so rude of me to dissolve her efforts.

LUNA: Let's continue.

Picking up the remote, I restart the movie which soon ends.

LUNA: That was a good movie.
MIA: Yeah. Hey, let's go eat something.
LUNA: Aren't you gonna cook?
MIA: I don't feel like cooking let's go out.
LUNA: Why do you have to go out? Tell me that do you want to eat, I'll cook.
MIA: No way! It's my turn and I'm taking you out, that's it.
LUNA: But we can also order in-
MIA: Luna Wesley, on your feet now!

This girl successfully persuades me and we get ready to leave. 15 minute walk from our apartment there was a restaurant which opened up just a few days ago, Mia really wanted to test it out.

We sit at the table for two and order our food.

MIA: Mhmm, delicious. From now this is my favorite place to eat.
LUNA(chuckles): You say that to every other new place you eat at.

She smiles awkwardly before we continue to eat. Soon we're done and Mia proceeds to pay.

LUNA: Give me two minutes I'll be back from the washroom.

She nods and I head towards the restroom. Done with my business, as I step out, I get rooted to the spot upon meeting familiar pair of black eyes.

DEAN: Luna...

Even he looks surprised to see me. His voice sounds music to my ears. At the same time, the unexpected encounter shakes me up from the inside reminding me of what drifted us apart.

My eyes moisten, I just want to disappear from his sight, so I start to walk away but he holds my wrist.

DEAN: Luna, I have to talk to you.
LUNA: Let me go Dean.

I speak brusquely.

DEAN: Please....
LUNA: Don't create a scene. And there's nothing left to talk.

I emancipate myself, running away.

MIA: What took you so-

Holding back my tears. I pick up my purse striding out of the restaurant with Mia following me.

MIA: What happened?

She worriedly asks me reading my expression.

LUNA: D... Dean...


So that was what happened a/c to Dean's pov.....
Should Luna try to listen to Dean for once? Will he be able to tell her what her brother did?
Do you think anyone is at fault??

I'm so sad the story is about to end🥺🖤

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