Chap 11

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-Dean's POV-

We did the basics for today afterwards I drop her back home.

DEAN: See you next Sunday.
LUNA: Huh?
DEAN: For practice ofcourse. Every Sunday I'll pick you up for driving lessons.
LUNA: So once a week it is?
DEAN: Not so frequent right? Let's do it thrice a week then. Tuesday and Thursday are included too now.
LUNA: What? Dean are you serious?
DEAN: Absolutely.
LUNA: Dean but what if we're tired after work?
DEAN: You can text me and say no. I won't be that strict about your punctuality.
LUNA: You sound like a proper teacher.
DEAN: I'm glad I do.

We scoff and I take my leave once she enters her apartment.

Tuesday arrives quickly, I text her to remind her just incase.

<on text>
Dean: Lesson today at 9pm.
Luna: Yes I remember 🥴
Dean: I thought you forgot 😂😂
Luna: I can forget eating but I can't forget thisss

I laugh at her sarcastic response. I reach home at 7pm, rest a bit, play with Kevin, have dinner and when the clock strikes 8:40 I make my way to Luna's.

I give her a call when I reach then wait for her. She comes down and sits in the car.

LUNA: You're 5 minutes earlier.
DEAN: As if you could've done a lot in those 5 minutes.
LUNA(blurts): Ofcourse I could've!
DEAN: Enlighten me please?
LUNA: maybe?
DEAN(scoffs): Yeah sure.

She smiles a bit embarrassed sinking into the seat. I take her to my garage and let her choose a car for herself.

LUNA: Woah! This is a whole freaking showroom!

As I expected she picks the smallest and least expensive car of all, and that too, scruply. Then we head to the same spot as day before yesterday.

DEAN: Primarily you need to adjust your seat, plus the side mirrors and fasten you seatb-
LUNA: Deannnn we've already been over this day before yesterday. Move on, please.
DEAN: Uh ok. Turn on the ignition.

She does that easily.

DEAN: Now switch the gear to D.

She follows right away.

DEAN: Now slowly press down on the acceleration pedal.
LUNA: Woah I'm nervous.
DEAN: Stay calm.

I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down. I notice her holding the steering weirdly so I correct them using mine. The car starts to accelerate forward.

DEAN: Yeah, nice and slow.

I further explain her how to turn the car. She hesitantly does.

DEAN: Nicely done!

I also teach her how to switch lanes.

DEAN: Ok I guess that's it for today.
LUNA: Phew. Finally.
DEAN: You did great as for your first.
LUNA: Yeah?

I nod and smile how happy she is. I did not just complement her just to raise her morale, she honestly has skills.

LUNA: If I was that good, then buy me something.

She says striking her puppy eyes. How am I supposed to resist that? It works like sorcery.

DEAN: Alright, tell me.
LUNA: I want ice-cream?

Wait, is that all?

DEAN: Just ice-cream?

She tilts her head in a thoughtful way and then responds.

LUNA: Yup.

I smirk at her cuteness. I buy ice-cream for us and we enjoy it sitting on the trunk.

LUNA: Mmmm. I love vanilla.

She exclaims savoring her favorite flavor.

DEAN: Nothing can compare to chocolate.
LUNA: Nope. Classic vanilla is the best!
DEAN: Nope. Sweet choco is!
LUNA: It's soft and creamy.
DEAN: It's more flavorful.
LUNA: Can be paired up with any other food.
DEAN: It is enough itself.
LUNA: It has more Vitamin A.
DEAN: It has- wait what?

I give her a weird look.

DEAN: Where did you learn that from?
LUNA: Fun facts ehe.

She shrugs and we suddenly start to guffaw the moment we realize what we were bickering over. Ahh she made my night way better.

My eyes travel to her face while she laughs, her skin is glowing under the moonlight and she has the most melodious laugh. That's the very first time I've seen her laugh this heartily.

Her laugh dies down when she notices me staring at her, her eyes get fixated on mine as well. The time seems to freeze when I start leaning in decreasing the proximity between us, she doesn't move and shuts her eyes, so I take that as an allowance.

Just when I'm inches away from her, a phone rings, ruining the moment.

She flicks her eyes open and I swiftly move away. She answers her phone.

LUNA: It was Mia.
DEAN: Let's go it's late.

I say awkwardly and so does she feel the same way. Damn it. We drive in silence until she breaks it upon reaching.

LUNA: Thank you.

She states making me look at her.

DEAN: For what?
LUNA: For caring about me and doing petty stuff for me.
DEAN: Don't be silly Luna. Whatever I did, was from the bottom of my heart. It's not like I'm being sympathetic towards you.

I place my hand on her small and lean ones stopping her from fiddling with her fingers. We pass a smile at eachother then she gets out of the car and turning around again.

LUNA: Goodnight Dean.

She sounds cool now. Thank God I stopped her from thinking something like that. My feelings are sincere towards her.

-Luna's POV-

MIA: How did it go?
LUNA: Good actually.

I begin to think about the last convo I had with Dean in the car.

MIA: What're you thinking about?
LUNA: Huh? Nothing.
MIA: I can read your expressions very well, now tell me.

I tell her.

MIA: Luna seriously are you blind? How can you think like that?
LUNA: What else was I supposed to think? I've come across many people who have been sympathetic towards me after I lost my family. And Dean being the rich and handsome guy he is, why would be interested in me other than being compassionate?
MIA: Girl, since then you've shown everyone that you're strong enough. I'm sure Dean sees you like that too. And if Ian was here, he would've cared for you the same. Dean has genuine feelings towards you, mark my words.

Mia's reasons does sound true. It helps me ponder over Dean's words and actions, especially tonight's.....


Oooooo the almost kiss😩 Luna's thoughts on Dean were all wrong, ofcourse he lo-
Stay tuned eheh!

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