Chap 5

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-Dean's POV-

Before Luna could speak further she stumbles forward. In the nick of time I extend my pair of arms to stabilize her. I gaze at her while she's still holding an astonished expression.

DEAN: Are you ok? A dog came running and bumped into you.
LUNA: Yeah I'm ok.

I withdraw my hand and she fixes her hair quickly.

LUNA(mumbles): What is it with dogs bumping into me these days.

I'm sure she didn't meant me to hear it but I did and I silently chuckle with my head down.

DEAN: Let's look for Kevin, it's almost time to leave.
LUNA: Yeah.

She follows me towards a group of dogs playing with the same enthusiasm they had when they arrived. She merrily squats down in the middle and starts to pat all of them.

LUNA(baby voice): Hi there! You're such a good dog! So are you and so are you and you too!

She refers to each one of them and they also reciprocate the same love. I stare at Luna in adoration, she looks super cute.

How can someone be so loving and kind when life takes away every single person in your family? Her bright smile which is so enchanting, hides the pain and struggles she's been living with. I see Luna as a strong person, as far as I know her. I can already sense that there's so much she's witholding......

DEAN: The sun's about to set Luna, let me drop you home.
LUNA: Dean-
DEAN: I agreed to you because it was daytime but now I can't allow myself to let you take a cab.

I compel her turning her silent. We walk to my silver Mercedes Benz.

LUNA: Nice car!
DEAN(proudly): Thanks, this one's my favorite.

When we sit in I find her struggling with the seat belt so I bend forward to help her and I feel her tense up at my sudden action. Her sweet vanilla scent hits my nostrils, she holds my gaze momentarily until she clears her throat.

LUNA: Um... Shall I?

I knit my brows addled at her words.

DEAN: Huh?
LUNA: My address.....

She signals to the GPS in the front. I instantly back away.

DEAN: Yeah go ahead.

When she's done I start driving.

LUNA: You're such a bad driver.

I do a double take at her.

DEAN(taken aback): What? Me?
LUNA: Yeah just look how roughly you drive.
DEAN: Driving fast doesn't mean I'm a bad driver.
LUNA: I reckon that since I'm the one on the passenger seat.

She simply states. Aahhh this girl.....

DEAN: Oh yeah? Then I would love to see you drive someday.
LUNA: Alas! I don't know how to.

She admits and I'm kinda amazed, she's a working woman after all. Atleast that's what I've seen that every one of them I know, knows driving.

LUNA(shrugs): I don't own a car so didn't feel the need to.
DEAN: Oh.... But I think it's essential, who knows when the situation requires it.
LUNA: Hmm... You're not wrong though.
DEAN: Also you don't need to worry about learning from anyone, I'll teach you.

I wink at her and she smiles shyly. Soon we arrive at her place and I get out of the car too to take a good look around the surroundings. I'm content the area seems good and safe.

LUNA: Thank you for the ride Dean.
DEAN: No problem at all. It was good knowing you more.
LUNA: Yea. Same here. I'll miss you Kevin.

She plants a kiss and then I offer her my hand and she shakes it warmly. I leave when she enters inside.

I take a quick shower after I return home.

My phone rings and I happily pick up.

<On call>

Dean: Hi mom.
D's mom: How're you my son?
Dean: As usual. What about you and David?
D's mom: We're both doing good. David graduated from high school and now he's looking for a good University.
Dean: That's wonderful! My little brother's growing so fast.
D's mom: Yeah. And you are a grown man already so what have you thought about yourself?

I know what's about to come automatically causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose.

Dean: Mom! Not again!
D's mom: Dean why don't you understand? You have to get married someday.
Dean: Someday I will but you don't need to keep worrying about that.
D's mom: How can I not? You're my elder son and considering you're all alone in another country. You need a partner Dean. It's about time.
Dean: You've been saying that for 3 years.
D's mom: And still you don't listen.
Dean: Fine mom I'll marry when I find the right girl for me ok?
D's mom: I just hope you do soon.
Dean(sigh): Ok take care of yourself and David, will talk to you later.
D's mom: Love you my son.

Meanwhile the servants set up the dinner table for me. Just like every other day I have my meal alone. Forthwith I climb up to my room.

Sometimes this house really haunts me, although it's extremely elegant, big and comfortable but the loneliness troubles me alot. Maybe mom's right. Suddenly Luna's face appears in front of my eyes and I swiftly shake my head. Why am I thinking about her regarding this context? I've only met her thrice and she's already playing on my head.

[Dean's home] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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[Dean's home]

Who thinks they'll look good as a couple? 🙋🏻‍♀️
Have a great day readers!!!

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