Chap 26

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-Luna's POV-

I wake up stretching my arms. Aahh that was a good sleep. Nonetheless, I'm disappointed, how can I sleep in middle of a movie?? That also watching alongside Dean.

He's so sweet, sending me to bed before leaving, I wish he stayed....
Without thinking further, I dial his number. It rings for a while, he doesn't answer, so I try again, still no answer. Huh? That's strange. He always attends his calls. Did I call him too early? Nope the clock says 12pm, he's usually awake at this hour.

Anyways, he might be somewhere around and will call me back when he sees his call log. Instead, I leave him a message.

<on text>

Luna: Good afternoon! Didn't know I'll fall asleep 😭 what a bummer. No problem I'll see you again someday soon. Have a great day my love❤️

With that, I jump off the bed and hop into the bathroom. Before setting off, I check Mia's bedroom.

LUNA: When did you come back?
MIA: 9 in the morning.
LUNA: Ohk.
MIA: You going somewhere?
LUNA: Yeah I'll visit Aunt Jen, it's been quite a while.
MIA: Oh ok. Give her my greetings.
LUNA: Sure. I'll be back before the day ends.

On my way, I grab a sandwich and coffee from my favorite Cafe and after the long journey, I finally arrive at her place. Ding Dong!

AUNT JEN: Oh my goodness, what a surprise!

We exchange a tight hug.

LUNA: I missed you so much! I was occupied with work so as soon as I got free, I ran here.
AUNT JEN: Good that you did.

I help her set up the lunch table.

AUNT JEN: You should've informed be before coming.
LUNA: So that you would tire yourself all day preparing a feast for a single person?

She chuckles. Such a sweet heart. In evening, we sit and talk with a mug of coffee. There's a lot of catching up to do.

AUNT JEN: Luna dear, you should stop sending me money now. I'm an old lady, who doesn't have much needs.
LUNA: Don't say like that.
AUNT JEN: Your uncle's pension is enough for me. You should save up for yourself, for your future.
LUNA: Do you consider me as your daughter or not?
AUNT JEN: I do, but-
LUNA: Then that's it. Let me fulfill my responsibilities.

She smiles, realizing it's useless to argue further. It's not like I'm repaying her for whatever she spent on me in the past, it's because she only has me now plus this money can never compensate my gratitude for her.

AUNT JEN: So tell me...... have you found someone yet?
LUNA: I was waiting for this question.
AUNT JEN: What do you mean? Is there something to tell?

She sits up excited.

LUNA(mischievously): Well....... I have a boyfriend....
AUNT JEN: You're not joking right?

I shake my head.

AUNT JEN: Oh my, really? Tell me about him.
LUNA: His name is Dean. We've known eachother for over a year now. We met through an accident at first then the second time was a coincidence, then we decided to become friends....and so yeah, from there things went uphill.

I grin deeper recalling those initial moments.

AUNT JEN: Wow! What does he do? How's his nature?
LUNA: He's the chairman of his company. He's the kindest and sweetest guy I've ever met. He cares for me and loves me alot. So personality wise and looks wise he's a 10 on 10.

I provide elucidate description of him with pride.

AUNT JEN: That is wonderful! Oo if that is so then let me see too.

I pick up my phone showing her his picture.

LUNA: Here you go. He's the the man I love.

As she goes through his picture, somehow, her smile vaporizes. She looks at me sceptically.

LUNA: Yeah...
AUNT JEN: Is this Dean Carter from Carter's Cooperation?
LUNA: Right... How do you- oh wait ofcourse he's a pretty famous businessman.
AUNT JEN: Luna......

Her dismayed expression confuses me.

LUNA: What happened aunt?
AUNT JEN: Oh dear, it's shouldn't have had happened.

She says distressed covering her face. She's scaring me, I scoot over to her.

LUNA: Aunt? Is something wrong? Why are you-
AUNT JEN: It's HIM Luna!
LUNA: Who? What are you talking about?

I freeze. I look at her with a stoic expression.

LUNA: Wha-

My voice comes out low.

AUNT JEN: Yes! It's him. Ian worked as a financer in his company. Dean framed him for theft.
LUNA: No, you might have misunderstood. Look closely, it can't be him!

I speak denying her unable to comprehend.

AUNT JEN(breaks down): I've seen him personally. Poor Ian kept telling them that Dean asked to withdraw a hefty sum of money that he needed urgently but when the police asked Dean, HE DENIED!
LUNA: No..... Dean can never do that...
AUNT JEN: Believe it or not but he is the one who put your brother behind the bars.

My breathing becomes staccato and eyes get teary. My ears not believing what they're hearing.

LUNA: But why would he do that?
AUNT JEN: I don't know what did he gain from doing that.

She sniffles wiping her tears. My world comes crashing down..... The guy I loved with all my heart turns out to be the cause of my brother's death.......

AUNT JEN: I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything about Dean earlier. Ian didn't wanted you to know so he took my word. Little did I know you'll end up falling for him.

She clasps her hands infront of me but I refrain her from doing so. It's not her fault.

LUNA(whispers): But why.....?
AUNT JEN: As a brother he had his reasons.

Oh Ian.......

I cannot believe Dean hid it from me! Everytime when I mentioned my poor dead brother, didn't he even think once to tell me there and then? What if he's pretending? What if he doesn't really love me?

My mind's going haywire.

I'm hurt, angry, shocked along with so many emotions that I'm feeling at once. There's a storm building inside me which cannot settle unless I get back at Dean....

Was it really a coincidence......?


I know there might a lot of questions going inside your head so wait for them to be answered in the next chapter.
What do you think Luna will do? Will she confront Dean or will Dean explain it to her beforehand?

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