Chap 20

11 2 0

-Dean's POV-

As soon as the clock hits 9, I stretch before grabbing my blazer and make my way to the elevator when I receive a call from my pal.

<on call>

Cole: Hey wassup?
Dean: Going back home.
Cole: No need to go home, come straight to our spot.
Dean: Right now?
Cole: Yes now.
Dean(sighs): I'm really tired Cole, keep it for tomorrow.
Cole: Come on mann, please....

I reach the parking lot and get seated in my car.

Dean: Why are you stuck on for today?
Cole: Uh.. Because..... I really need to talk to you about something.
Dean: Then come to my house.
Cole: No, I also want to play snooker to....get my mind off...
Dean: Of?
Cole: Something......

He sounds unsure himself. I know I can't win against him so I make my way to the place and reach soon enough.

DEAN: What was so urgent?
COLE: Don't be mad now you're already here.

We sit at the bar table and order mocktails.

DEAN: Okay so what did you wanted to talk about?
COLE: What's the rush let our drinks arrive.

Within 5 minutes we get served. I give him a 'speak up' look.

COLE: Oh.. Uh... How's work going?

I raise my eyebrow at him.

DEAN: Usual.
COLE: Nice...

He takes a sip avoiding eye contact. Ugh what is it with him?

DEAN: Bro why did you call me here?
COLE: To talk.
DEAN: Then talk!
COLE: I am.

I face palm myself.

COLE: Chill bro.
DEAN: Come to the point or I'm leaving.

I warn him deadpan.

COLE: Okay okay.....wait.

I wait for him to speak and then he starts to tell me about his and Mia's relationship uptil now, in which I sense no problem at all. I listen to his story for 1 hour straight.

DEAN: just wanted to update me on your relationship?

He nods curtly.

DEAN(scoffs): You must be kidding me?
COLE: Uh not really.

I would've punched him so badly if he wasn't my best friend. I sigh deeply and sink in my seat.

COLE: Hey don't be mad, I just wanted to talk to my friend. Is that bad?

I stay silent not looking at him.

COLE: Ok don't sulk, let's play snooker.

He stands dragging me along towards the pool table. It's been a while since we've played.

COLE: I'll beat you this time.

I roll up my sleeves.

DEAN: You say that every time.

We finish playing 2 games, in which I beat Cole in both, like always. The loser buys dinner, unfortunately Cole has to do that everytime.

DEAN: Now let's grab something to eat I'm starving.
COLE: Let's head at your place first then I'll order something.
DEAN: Alright.

We agree before sitting in our respective cars before driving off to my destination.

When we arrive, my eyes see nothing but darkness upon stepping in. What the hell. Why is it-

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