Chap 12

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-Luna's POV-

After alot of overworking hours, I've been able to complete the agenda of producing ten designs including formal wear and ideas for handbags. I'm ready to submit them now as today's the deadline.

I'm pretty confident about my work this time and there's no way Zach could reject them. Early in the morning I submit everything in Zach's office.

RILEY: I hope our designs are selected the most.
LUNA: I hope so too.

After lunch, Zach reviews all of our work and before our off time he comes to us.

ZACH: Kate and Luna, come to my office.

Kate and I glance at eachother then follow him. Riley gives me a 'what happened?' look and I lift my hands as in 'I don't know'. Zach takes his seat and clasps his hands on the table. He looks tensed. I'm totally perplexed like what's going on?? He slides forward two papers on his table.

ZACH: What's this?

I blink twice before stepping a little forward to take a look.

ZACH: The right one is Luna's and the left one is Kate's.

SAY WHATTTT?? This cannot be a coincidence, anyone can tell.

ZACH: Now tell me honestly who copied whose?

My eyes widen and I glare at Kate who doesn't dare to look me back. That snake!!

LUNA: Sir, this is my own creation. I haven't copied from anyone.
KATE: Neither did I.

She speaks up almost immediately.

LUNA: Sir, trust me. I would never do that!
KATE: She's lying, she's the one who copied mine.

My blood boils at her audacity despite being rogue. That witch is framing me instead of proving herself.

ZACH: This is frustrating.

He presses his forehead. I try to think of a way to prove my innocence but nothing comes to my mind like I have this design saved on my pc, so does she, I have a copy of it at home, so might she. Ughh what can I do??

ZACH: I'm not sure whom to trust, I'll have to take this matter to Ma'am, she'll decide what to do.
KATE: Sir it's obvious that Luna did it. I've been working here since ages.

I look at her in utmost disgust and feel like slapping her right across the face.

LUNA: That doesn't not prove anyth-
ZACH: Both of you can leave.... NOW!

He practically shouts making me flinch, tears start brimming in my eyes. Almost all employees left till the time we came out.

I quickly grab my stuff and run outside. I walk and walk not knowing where I'm heading.....

-Dean's POV-

Once again when the clock reads 8:30pm, I head to Luna's place. Upon arrival I give her a call to which she doesn't respond. She might not have her phone around so I honk twice then wait. Where is she?

If Luna didn't want to go today, she definitely would've informed me. I step out of my car and climb to her apartment. When I ring the doorbell, Mia opens the door.

DEAN: Hi! I was here to pick Luna.
MIA: I thought she was already with you.
DEAN: What do you mean?
MIA: Cause she's not home yet.
DEAN: What? Do you know where she is?
MIA(knits her brows): No I don't. I even called her but she isn't picking up. That's so unlike Luna. She either tells me or answers her calls.

Worry fills inside me. I need to look for her. I start to run back.

MIA(worried): Where are you going?
DEAN: To find her.
MIA: I'm coming too.
DEAN: No you stay here. If she comes back home then inform me.
MIA: Okay.

Where could she go at this hour? I decided to leave my car because I need to search alleys too. She must be nearby.

It's been additional 30 mins and I still couldn't find her. I keep trying her phone it still says that the person is unavailable.

I'm out of breath at the moment so I pause to take a breather. Just when I look at my left I spot someone sitting on a bench all alone. I blink multiple times to clear my vision and perceive her as a woman.

I take slow steps towards her and keep on praying that it's actually Luna. I'm put at ease when I see her face, but the next thing I notice is her tears.

DEAN: Luna?
LUNA: Dean?

She looks at me with eyes filled with tears. My heart drops to my stomach. I immediately sit beside her and pull her into a hug. She bursts out. I gently stroke her hair to calm her down.

DEAN: Shh Luna, it's ok don't cry

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DEAN: Shh Luna, it's ok don't cry.

She shuts her eyes tighter and after a while her breathing returns to normal. I swear I won't spare the person who hurt her. She breaks the hug and wipes her tears with her sleeves.

DEAN: Do you want to tell me what happened?
LUNA: I've been framed of plagiarism.

My ears couldn't believe it. Who the hell would do that?

LUNA(sniffles): Zach called me and Kate, my colleague, at the office and showed us our same designs... I was surprised myself..... Kate instantly denied and.....began accusing me.....I never.....Dean I'm not a chea-

Her voice starts to break and eyes become watery again. Oh innocent soul. I cup her face with my palms and make her look at me.

DEAN: I believe you Luna. You can never imagine doing that in your wildest dreams. Don't worry we'll sort this out together, ok?

I withdraw my hand, she inhales and exhales to calm herself down then looks at me again.

LUNA: Zach is going to take this matter to Ma'am. I don't know how to prove myself to them. Dean, what if Kate manages to fool them? They'll fire me...
DEAN: Nothing will happen. You won't loose your job I promise you that.
LUNA: But what am I supposed to do?

I also realize the fact that it's difficult to convince the head of Luna's innocence without a proof. If they fail to recognize anyone as guilty, they'll fire both of them.

DEAN: I'll take care of it.

She looks at me vaguely so before she could ask further...

DEAN: Trust me, I've got this.


😱😱😱 Kate playin dirty tricks. What can be done now...? Find out in the next chapter!

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