Chap 17

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-Dean's POV-

DEAN: You're still here?

I thought she went home with Cole.

LUNA: Yeah.... I bought soup for you.

She lifts the tray to show me.

DEAN: Luna, why did you trouble yourself? Where's the cook?
LUNA: It's fine Dean, it's no biggie.

She sits next to me on the bed and brings a spoonful of soup infront of my mouth.

DEAN: Luna, you don't have to do this, you need some rest too.

I pause her action with my hand lowering down the spoon. She keeps the bowl aside then looks at me.

LUNA: But I want to....... And I'm doing fine.
DEAN: If you think I wouldn't be able to take care of myself then there's no problem cause I can hire a nurse or something.
LUNA: Sure you can but I can't allow myself to leave you in this condition.
DEAN: It's not your responsibility.

A moment of silence takesover before she sighs.

LUNA: What makes you think that only you have the right to be worried about me and care for me...!! I'm extremely grateful for your help because you did not only save me from getting robbed but also saved me from getting harassed..... but I did not appreciate how you put your life in danger.....

Her eyes become watery as she gets emotional.

LUNA: Who told you to jump in? That too unarmed?? What if something worse happened to you!? Have you thought about that?

She indirectly clarifies that she's not doing this out of guilt.

LUNA: Don't you understand? I've already lost many important people in my life, I CAN'T LOSE YOU TOO!

I'm rendered speechless. She kinda did scold me but my heart melts at her confession, she's really concerned about me. This was the first time she has said and acted like it so maybe it was a little hard for me to believe.

At that moment nothing else comes to my mind and I pull her into me. She puts her head on my chest and I stroke her hair as we embrace each other into a hug.

LUNA: I'm sorry...... Please don't push me away.....

A tear slips from her eyes. I lift her head and wipe that tear from her face.

DEAN: Shhh.... It's ok. I'm sorry if you felt like that. It wasn't your fault.

She smiles weakly but content than before.

DEAN: Now give me the soup you bought for me.

She happily hands over me the bowl. I slurp some.

DEAN: Mmm.... This is delicious. I've never had such an amazing soup before.
LUNA: You liked it? I made it.

She proudly adds.

DEAN: Wow really?? This is phenomenal Luna.

I honestly compliment. I don't like soups that much but this is just exceptionally good. So I chug it down in minutes.

DEAN: Oh didn't do good.
LUNA: W.. Why..?
DEAN: Because I think I'll be needing that every other day.

She laughs.

LUNA: I'll gladly make it for you.

-Luna's POV-

The next day, I take an off from office as I was really haggard and slept late. I decide to go home to deliver the money I withdrew yesterday, to Mia so she could pay off the bills on my behalf.

LUNA: Dean, I'm going home to deliver the money for bills to Mia also I'll get some of my essentials here. I'll come back asap.
DEAN: Okay. How're you gonna go?
LUNA: Just like I do.
DEAN: Take my car. You can drive now.
LUNA: No need plus I don't have a driver's license remember?

His mouth forms an 'o' shape as he realizes.

DEAN: Then my driver will take you.

He tells his driver to take me where I want.

LUNA: Call me if you need anything. Bye.

I say before leaving to which he nods. Upon reaching home I grab a few more clothes, my essentials and most importantly my phone charger and laptop.

I place the money in a drawer and write down a note for Mia. I already dropped off my stained clothes at the laundry. With one last glance around the house, I make way to Dean's.

On my way I stop by to buy his favorite Iced Americano. The traffic got heavier at the peak hour, so I reach home later than expected.

When the guards open the gate for me to enter the house, I step in not knowing that someone was stepping out at the same time, resulting us to bump into eachother.

LUNA: Oh my!

It's a man dressed formally.

LUNA: Sorry I'd didn't see you.
NICK: It's ok.

What a rude guy. He could've apologized too. Anyways, I enter and the maiden help me carry my stuff to my room.

When I enter I'm greeted by Kevin who restlessly starts circling around me.

LUNA: Heyy baby!!

He bites my purse pulling me upstairs.

LUNA: What's the matter Kevin?

I realize he's taking me to Dean's room so I promptly barge in concerned, my eyes widen seeing Dean knelt on the ground holding his wound in pain.

LUNA(shouts): Dean! Oh my God, what happened??

I keep aside the drink I bought for him and sit down on his level. When my eyes travel down to his torso, I see blood dripping.

LUNA: Your stitches! It's bleeding.... Nurse! Come in here! Fast!

I call out to the nurse and he comes at once. He lays down Dean and dresses up his gash.

LUNA: How is it?
NURSE: The stitches haven't torn, maybe he made an abrupt movement pulling the edges of the skin around.
I just need to give him some painkillers now.
LUNA: I'll give them to him. Thank you.

He leaves and I watch Dean partially laying with his back and head on the headset.

I grab a paper towel and dab off the beads of sweat on his forehead. It must be really painful alebit it's only been a day. I give him his painkillers and sit beside him.

LUNA(softly): Never thought you could be this careless Dean. What happened exactly?

He scrunches his face remembering the reason.


Aww Luna got emotional for Dean, shows how much she cares🥺 What do you think would have happened causing Dean trouble?
Keep supporting guyzzz! Love ya! 💖

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