Chap 13

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-Dean's POV-

My mind wanders off back to the time when I got betrayed by someone whom I trusted alot....

It's a crucial period for Luna. I cannot sit back when she's also been backstabbed and blamed for something as serious as plagiarism. I know what I have to do. After dropping her back home, without further ado I dial someone's number.

<on call>

Dean: Hello Mrs Jones, it's Dean. Sorry to disturb you at this hour.
Mrs Jones: Oh hello Mr Dean. No problem at all.
Dean: Actually I called to discuss a serious matter with you.
Mrs Jones: Okay... Go ahead.

I proceed to tell her about the plagiarism matter. At first, I also thought maybe she wouldn't like the idea of me interfering in their company's matter but then I just couldn't sit back and wait for tomorrow.

Mrs Jones was already informed about everything I just proposed to check cctv carefully before taking a strict action. She was a little worried too because the news reached me, so it might reach to media as well but I assured that nothing like this would happen.

I know she will think odd of me taking interest in this affair but she didn't have the temerity to ask. I'm actually a vip client of RV and we've been their sponsors for a very long time. So I have that respect and notability. Mrs Jones knows me personally as well.

-Luna's POV-

The night passes agonizingly. Isn't there humanity left on this planet? How can people stab others in the back and still have the audacity to tell lies? Ian must've felt the same way as he was betrayed like this too. Tears form in my eyes when I think about him.

What did I ever do to Kate? I was nice to her at all times. Riley was right, she did seem sceptical but I was a fool to trust her blindly.

Mia gave me a good lecture at how unsettled she was before I returned home. I told her the reason, she understood me and cursed heavily at Kate.

The next day, when I make my way to the office I couldn't stop thinking of what would happen, I was too worried about my job and my dignity foremost.

At lunch break, Mrs Jones arrives, we stand and greet her, she glances at me specifically prior to entering her office.

RILEY: Don't worry Luna I know that cheater's true colours will be revealed today.

She had the right to know about Kate as she was the one who's been warning me since the day Kate started being too sugary.

After sometime, Kate and I were called to Mrs Jones office. She was seated in her honorable chair, Zach was standing at her side while Kate and I stood infront of her.

MRS JONES: The issue regarding plagiarism is big. I've come across such kind of an affair after a very long time and this is most disappointing. I want my employees to have a good relationship amongst themselves and not betray each other like one of you has done.
KATE: Ma'am I swear Luna-
MRS JONES: Ms Kate, I did not ask you to speak yet.

Zach glares at Kate making her zip up her mouth.

MRS JONES: I know exactly who is blameworthy here. I have evidence.

Kate gulps, beads of sweat form on her forehead.

Zach plays a cctv footage on a laptop. We could clearly see Kate rummaging through my stuff and searching for my drafts on my pc, period after our usual off time when no one was present on our floor.

We all look at Kate disgruntly.

MRS JONES: The video proves everything. Ms Kate you are the culprit here therefore I want you to resign.
KATE: Ma'am pl...ease, I'm.... I'm sorry..... For... Forgive me...... I..I..I was wrong.....

She starts crying and stuttering on her words.

MRS JONES: I have no place for cheaters in my company. Be grateful that I'm not firing you rather asking you to resign otherwise it would've left a stain on your career history making it difficult for you to find a new job.

Kate cries a little but then she accepts her consequences and leaves.

MRS JONES: Ms Luna I apologize you had to go through the trouble. Your dignity is unharmed.
LUNA: Thank you Mrs Jones.

I do a deep bow and she politely smiles at me before I leave too. I breathe a huge sigh of relief once I land on my desk.

I'm so happy a huge weight has been lifted off my chest. I call Dean right away.

<on call>

Luna: Heyy
Dean: Heyy
Luna: Where are you?
Dean: At Starbucks, why?
Luna: Wait there, I'm coming!
Dean: What's the-
Luna: I'll tell you when I come.

Disconnecting the call I rush outside grab a cab and head to meet him. I reach within a few minutes and search for him on my toes. He spots me first and waves at me I dash towards him taking a seat in front.

DEAN: Woah woah slow down.
LUNA(happily): I was proved innocent today. Ma'am recognized Kate as guilty and now she's out of the company. I feel so light now.
DEAN: See, I knew truth couldn't be hidden.

Dean didn't find it surprising? He heard me being all relaxed. I raise my brow at his pique behavior.

LUNA(scrutinize): Did you possibly help me in some way?
DEAN: Uhh.... Have you tried their strawbe-
LUNA: Dean!?
DEAN: Alright I did!
LUNA: So you used connections...
DEAN: I couldn't see you like this ok? I knew without evidence you both would've been fired. I just knew how to handle it and so I did.

I do not speak a word. I just get up and leave the coffeehouse.

Dean: Luna wait!

He follows me outside and finds me just standing there lost in my thoughts.

DEAN: Look Luna, don't be mad-

I swiftly swivel around and wrap my arms around his torso. He's a little taken aback.

LUNA: Thank you Dean. I appreciate your help and I'm aware of what would've happened if you didn't have my back.

He wraps his arms around me too. What a cozy feeling. After a while I pull back.

LUNA(chuckles): Your bodyguard can't leave you alone for a second.

He scoffs understanding the reason why I ran out.

DEAN: You're so dramatic.


Dean's a savior in disguise. Keep voting guyzzzzz!!!

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