Chap 27

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-Luna's POV-

Puffy eyes, swollen cheeks and red nose...... I've been bawling my eyes out since day before yesterday. I'm so much in pain, and I have no idea what to do...

At one side I have my brother and on the other, my love. My heart and mind are at war, should I avenge for my brother's life or should I forgive him?

I scream due to aggravating frustration.

How can I hurt someone I love? How can I forgive someone who's a life taker?

I'll go crazy if I keep crying and overthinking like this. I need to question Dean, I need my answers!

I've told Mia everything, she was all ready to break his bones but I requested her to let me deal with it on my own. I've taken a leave from work as I know I won't be in right state of mind for a few days atleast.

Without ruminating or hesitating further I message Dean.

<on text>

Luna: Meet me at the park near our driving lesson spot at 9pm.

With a clenching heart I wait for Dean at the place seated on a bench. He shows up right on time.

DEAN: Hey Luna. Everything ok? Why did you call me here all of a sudden?

He asks taking a seat beside me. I maintain my composure staring at my hands.

LUNA: Two years ago, I went through a great tragedy that I think of every single day. I thought I should share....

Closing my eyes taking a deep breath, I prepare to talk about something that I never did for the past two years.

LUNA: One night, Aunt Jen gets a call that my brother has been arrested on basis of theft from the company he worked in. She rushes to the police station to see him, and begs the officers to release him as Ian can never do that.

I clutch my hands tighter.

LUNA: Soon he was presented to the court. We couldn't afford a good lawyer and the person who framed him being rich and powerful, easily won the case. Ian was convicted to life imprisonment.

Dean remains silent and I don't even look up at him.

LUNA: For a month, I kept visiting him, telling him to remain strong, and I'll find a way to get him out. Despite the fact that we were no match against the powerful. Ian started losing hope, he couldn't bear it anymore....... the accusation, ignominy, betrayal.... and the pain of seeing us struggling without him. So one day.....

I gaze straight into Dean's eyes gathering the courage to say those heavy words.

LUNA(in shaking voice): He......took his life....

My eyes which were filled with tears couldn't hold it in anymore. Dean puts his hand on mine with an upset face. Say it Dean! Tell me the truth if you have any guilty conscience.....! I hope but.......he doesn't.

DEAN: Luna....
LUNA: You knew it all didn't you..?

My eyes must be red uptil now.

DEAN: Luna... Listen to me-

I ask emphasising on my words.

DEAN(sighs): I did, but-

I immediately stand up.


He stands up too.

DEAN: I just got to know day before yesterday..!
LUNA(frustrated): STOP LYING TO ME!!

Unbelievable! Why is he still lying?

LUNA(low voice): What did my brother even do to you....?
DEAN: Luna please calm down and listen-

He tries to hold my hand but I shove it away. His eyes also get teary.

LUNA: NO! Don't touch me. I lost my brother! My only family! Just because of you!
DEAN: I..... I accept I sent him to prison but I didn't know he would....
LUNA: What else did you expect Dean!? You already made his life miserable by sending him to a hell like place!

This is terrible, I feel terrible...... BROKEN..... I back away from him.

LUNA: He was innocent..... He never did wrong to anybody.....He did not deserve this.....
DEAN: I'm sorry Luna...

He speaks in a low whisper. Sorry?? Is that gonna bring Ian back!? I advance towards him looking him dead in the eyes.

LUNA: Without Ian, I can't prove his innocence. But remember....... I'll never, ever forgive you Dean Carter...!

A tear slips down his face. With that I turn around and leave him alone standing there. He doesn't stop me, he doesn't come after me, he let's me walk away...

It begins to pour heavily, but I don't stop walking. I have no idea where I'm headed, tears keep streaming down my face uniting with the rain drops. I'm drenched from head to toe but I couldn't care less.

The weather reminds me of the time when Dean bought dinner for me in the office and it rained on our way home. My heart clenches at the memory.

I should stop thinking of him. After everything that I said, all he had to say was a mere sorry?? It seemed as if had no regrets.

Suddenly all our memories flash in my head and my knees give up. I fall on the ground sobbing.

How could you do this Dean.... I loved you but you broke me.....


Somehow both were already connected but when the bitter truth unfolded, nothing was left behind except heartbreak💔😔......

Thank you for showing support and loving the story so far! I really love you guys!😘❤️

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