Chap 30

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- Dean's POV-

LUNA: I missed you so much Dean.
DEAN: So did I.

I pull her into a kiss, igniting the familiar sensations. It was like every part of me that came from a dead start is alive again.

MIA: Bro, where the hell wer- oh my God!

Mia's unexpected intrusion pulls us out of trance.

MIA(mutters): Ehm ehm, didn't see that coming.

We get up on our feet, feeling flustered. Lol seriously?

DEAN: I'll see you later.

I quickly bid them goodbye and scurry away.

I feel so light as if a huge burden has been lifted off my chest. I will make sure Nick is punished severely for his crime. I'm just glad that all the misunderstandings cleared out demolishing the wall of separation between us.

It's been a while since I met Cole so I stop by his place.

COLE: Dean, Hey!
DEAN: Wassup?

We do a bro hug, he invites me in and we sit on the couch continuing our colloquy.

COLE: Nothing much. You tell.... How are you.... You know after...
DEAN: I'm amazing. Really at my prime!

I chime earning a weird look from him.

COLE: Uh... Bro? Are you ok....?
DEAN: Yeah absolutely. Hundred and ten percent!

I try to smother my laughter seeing his bewildered expressions. Lol.

COLE: Uh... okay.... I think you need a drink.

He gets up and fetches a beer bottle for us.

COLE: I'm serious, is everything ok?
DEAN: It wasn't before but now is.
COLE: Elaborate?
DEAN: Luna and I are back together.
COLE: Really?? That's wonderful! How??

I go on and tell him everything that happened, his expressions change according to the scenarios.

COLE: Nick! That scumbag! He should rot in prison!
DEAN: I'll make sure of that.
COLE: Anyways, I'm so glad you guys are back together. Atleast now I don't have to put up with your sulk.

I scoff.

COLE: Bro, that was a whole freakin drama. Damn! Who could've imagined or believed these coincidences.
DEAN: Hahah. I know right.

Well that is true. We talk about some more before my eyes get heavy and I don't bother to drive back home so I crash at his place for the night. I'm emotionally drained for today.

-Luna's POV-

Once again, I wake up gaily after so long. I'm greeted by a text from someone.

<on text>

Dean: Good morning my love💖
Luna: Good morning to u too😘
Dean: Let's meet
I miss u!
Luna: Sure
Dean: Today. I'll pick u up at 5
Luna: Alright but where r we going?
Dean: It's a surprise babe😉
Luna: Come on! Firstly I'm curious and secondly I need to know in order to dress accordingly
Dean: You'll look beautiful in whatever u wear so don't worry.
See u
Luna: Hahah ok bye

This guy!

The next day after the revelation of the real miscreant I already called Aunt Jen and told her the whole story.
She was surprised because it was so unexpected further she felt sorry towards Dean, like me she also mistook him as the wrongdoer. Now she's extremely happy and has even invited us over for dinner someday.

Rest of the day flies so quickly and when the clock strikes 5, I hear a car honking. He's here! Giving a last glance at the mirror I climb down.

DEAN: Hello beautiful.
LUNA: Hello handsome.

We cheesily address eachother and get seated in the car.

LUNA: So where are we going?
DEAN: You have zero patience.
LUNA: Ugh but I'm curious.
DEAN(winks): You'll know soon.

I play some music to brighten the atmosphere. Midway I realize where he's taking me.

LUNA: Are we going to-
DEAN: You're smart.
LUNA: Ha ha of course, I know the route.

After a long while we reach at the lake spot, where I first brought him. I step out inhaling the clean air.

LUNA: Mhmm it's so refreshing.

The sky was in pretty vibrant colours and the weather was just right. We stand at the pier at the lakefront appreciating the heavenliness. Ahhh I can never get enough of this.

LUNA: So this was your surprise?
DEAN: Didn't you like it?
LUNA(giggles): I did.

I turn towards the lake again and continue talking.

LUNA: I love this place. Coming here with you makes it ten times more special, and I wish to continue to do that. I'm really thankful Dean.

I look at him before saying the last sentence. He smiles getting closer and lifts my hand to hold in his.

DEAN: You know Luna? You deserve the world and all the good things it has to offer.

Aww. He maintains the soft eye contact which sends butterflies to my stomach.

DEAN: You're the only thing that exists in my world. I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. We found eachother by coincidence and now I want to spend my whole life with you.

I'm deeply touched by his heart warming confession that makes my eyes glisten. Dean then moves back a little and gets down on one knee pulling out a box of ring out of his pocket.

OH MY GOD!!!!!! I get chills and my hearts starts beating crazily.


I gasp covering my mouth. We all fantasize about that big moment, when it has finally arrived, it set off a cascade of complex emotions. I'm over joyed and so overwhelmed.


I finally found the word. Dean merrily takes my hands and slides down the beautiful ring into my finger. He gets up and I tackle him into a hug. This feels like dream.


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He smiles in acknowledgemet and softly kisses my forehead while I close my eyes feeling the connection.

When I first met Dean, I had no idea he'll become such a huge part of my life. Challenges and troubles came and went, we stood by eachother in all hardships and will continue to do so.

Life is full of coincidences, most good and most bad, just like in our life, which helped us unite with our soulmate. To be honest, it was all Fate.


And they lived happily ever after! A cliché happy ending hahaha.

Sooooo..... Finally the story has come to its end *wipes tears*🥺. It was a month's journey, I really put my heart and soul into COINCIDENCE 💯 so I hope you liked it🙃. Thank you so much for your consistent support💪🏻 Please share it amongst your friends too. You guys are the best! Take care! Love you all😘❤️🙏🏻

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