Chap 9

11 3 0

-Luna's POV-

The door opens revealing.......

LUNA(surprised): Dean?
DEAN: Hey!

He walks forward with his hands full, my eyes never leave his figure. He keeps the stuff on the desk then looks at me wearing a charming smile.

LUNA: How did you-
DEAN: It wasn't hard. This brand has single workplace in this city.

My mouth forms an o shape. But why is he here?

DEAN: I bought you some food, I know you wouldn't have eaten. Neither did I so let's dig in shall we?

He read my mind. I'm still starstruck, His benevolence is melting my heart. Upon seeing me still standing, he grabs my hand and pulls me down.

DEAN: I've bought Chinese. You like it right?

I keep staring at him in awe. He takes my silence in the wrong way.

DEAN: Don't tell me you don't.
LUNA: Thank you Dean...

I speak in honey voice with pure gratitude.

DEAN: Aahh don't be. I just made possible for us to meet today.

Awww. I smile politely and then we start to eat. He asks me what pending work I have and I tell him how my head rejected 3 out of 5 of my designs. He asks me to show the rejected pieces.

DEAN: Is that guy crazy? This is absolute piece of talent. Tell me his name right now.
LUNA(chuckles): It's fine Dean's he's my head after all.
DEAN(rolls his eyes): He lacks sense of discernment.

Nonetheless apart from getting vexed at Zach, Dean also motivates me alot. We tidy up after eating.

DEAN: Come on let me drop you home it's late.
LUNA: But I-
DEAN: You've done enough for today Luna, you need to rest now.

I give a last glance to my desk and then nod. I collect my stuff and prepare to leave. Once we reach the ground floor, it starts to pour.

LUNA: I do not remember rain being on today's forecast. Where's your car?

He points in the front. It's at some good walking distance. I understand why he parked there because the parking lot in the basement closes after work hours, unless there's an event. I guess we'll have to get drenched anyway.

DEAN: Hold on.

Dean takes off his jacket and holds it above our heads. I realize what he's doing so I get closer to him. Oh God his's intoxicating. We scurry over to his car. He first gets me seated and then takes his seat throwing his jacket in the back seat.

We barely get wet, thanks to Dean. It stops drizzling when he drops me home.

LUNA: The roads are still wet, drive home safely.

He nods.

LUNA: And once again thanks for the meal.
DEAN: Luna please I don't like hearing thanks from you again n again.
LUNA: Eh sorry?

He raises his brows upon what I said again.

LUNA(twitters): Uh I'll take my leave now.

I see him shake his head smiling. He takes his leave once I enter my apartment. Stepping in, I find Mia gazing out of the window.

LUNA: Is.....something going on outside?
MIA: Dean dropped you off right?

She turns his head towards me.

LUNA: Um yeah....

I say taking of my blazer. She hits her first on her on her palm. Why is she irked?

MIA: I couldn't see his face again.
LUNA: Huh?
MIA: What huh? Your best friend doesn't even know how he looks yet.

A brief laugh escapes my lips.

LUNA: Didn't you say, you looked him up on the internet?
MIA: I did, but I've never seen him in reality. That's two different things.
LUNA: Hahaha right.

She suddenly bounces on the couch.

MIA: Hey! I have an idea.

I stare at her confused.

MIA: Lets go on a double date!
LUNA: What?
MIA: You heard me right. I haven't met Dean and you haven't met Cole yet too. It's a perfect way to introduce them to eachother. 
LUNA(ponders): Hmm....

That does sound like a good idea.

MIA: Sooo...... What do you say?
LUNA: Done!

She claps joyously.

MIA: Alright, then on Sunday we're all going out for...... wait lunch or dinner?
LUNA: Uhh come on Mia! We can decide later on.
MIA(pouts): Okay....
LUNA: I'm going to sleep now.
MIA: What about dinner?
LUNA: Dean bought me. Sorry I'll eat what you made, tomorrow.

I plop on the bed after taking a quick shower. I drift off to sleep reminiscing about today.

On Friday, during my break I call Dean in order to inform him about the double date beforehand.

<on call>

Luna: Hey! I hope you weren't busy.
Dean: No no. Not really.
Luna: Actually, my friend Mia wanted to meet you and, as I also haven't met his boyfriend yet, we decided to go on a double d- I mean go out for lunch or dinner anywhere.
Dean: Ohh that sounds great.
Luna: We've decided Sunday as we'll all be free. You don't have any plans right?
Dean: You called right on time, I was thinking of how should I spend my Sunday.
Luna: Perfect then. I'll text you time and location a day earlier. Just wanted to confirm, it's fine right?
Dean: Yeah yeah totally.

I mentally face palm, why would he feel awkward? He's a business man he meets numerous types of people.

Luna: Alright then, bye!
Dean: Bye Luna!

I immediately text Mia confirming Dean's arrival. I can't wait for Sunday now.


Isn't Dean the sweetest?😩 Let's look forward to the double date 😏

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