Chap 15

11 4 0

-Luna's POV-

Amusement Park was hell fun, I honestly did not had this much fun in a decade.

As I wind up my work and grab my stuff to leave, all of us are notified that we've received our pay for the month. Noice!

I straightaway head towards an ATM, because I need money to pay off the rent, bills and to keep some for my expenses. I had to walk a good distance cause it wasn't nearby. I withdraw a hefty sum of money, put it in my handbag then make my way to home.

Somehow, on my way I feel someone following me so I cautiously turn around to check and..........there's no one. Maybe I'm paranoid because it's not easy to carry a fat amount of money on streets. I shrug and continue walking.

Trepidation rises when I still feel someone's continuous presence near me. I start brisk walking. Oh God I hope it's not what I'm imagining.

All of a sudden, I'm pulled sideways into a dark alley. When I look up, I find a creepy man with the most nasty smug pinning me to a wall. Then I notice another man standing behind him.

Fear takes over and I try to scream but his hand on my mouth prevents me.

MAN 1: Finally a prey for the day.

The other man smugs as well.

MAN 2: Take her bag.

OH NO. He tries to snatch the bag from me but I hold onto it with my dear life.

LUNA: No! Let go! Please!

I can only think of one way to get rid of him so with all my might I knee him were the sun doesn't shine. He groans falling on the ground and I take my chance to run.

The other man runs after me and grabs a fistful of my hair harshly pulling onto them stopping me. I scream due to the immense pain.

MAN 2: You annoying little piece of shit!

He grits his teeth. Tears well up in my eyes. I'm so gone now. The other guy joins too.

MAN 1: You shouldn't have done that kitty.

He approaches me wildly then grabs my face tightly.

MAN 1: You'll pay for this!

I'm utterly terrified.

LUNA(stutters): Please..... Let me go....

They both smirk enjoying my helplessness. As soon as he touches my body I angrily push him hard enough making him stumble backwards.

MAN 2: You're so dead!

He raises his hand to slap me I tightly shut my eyes waiting for the painful impact..... But that doesn't happen because a voice calls out from behind.

DEAN(shouts): HEY!

I flinch immediately recognizing the owner of that voice. The two douche bags turn around to look at the cause of intervention. I'm so glad to see him.

DEAN(warns): Remove your filthy hands off her!

The other guy still held my arm firmly.

MAN 2: Get lost!

Dean advances forward challengingly, his hand in a fist whitening his knuckles.

MAN 1: Are you deaf? Get the fuck out of here.

He tries to push Dean but he doesn't move an inch. This angers Dean more causing him to land a powerful punch on his nose. Ouch! It starts to bleed. Dean may look lean but he's pretty well built and strong.

The other man takes out a sharp knife from his pocket. I gasp getting even more scared. He has a weapon!! Ohno.

The guy runs towards Dean with his dagger extended forward. Dean stops his attack by dodging it first then elbows him on his back. Phew.

But the jerks don't give up, they attack Dean together now. Dean fights back well enough. The scenario infront is fretting me out. I'm hell scared, I don't want Dean to get hurt.

Dean takes them down again and looks at me walking a little in my direction.

DEAN: Are you ok?
LUNA: Dean....

My voice comes out as a whisper and I nod shakily. Just then my gaze averts to the guy behind him who clumsily stands on his feet, my eyes widen when I see him ready to pierce the knife into Dean.


Dean turns around in time dodging the first attack but then he swiftly swings it sideways cutting through the side of Dean's torso.

LUNA(shouts horrified): DEAN!

Dean suppresses his groan then punches the attacker real hard that his tooth falls off. Both of them, nearly beaten to a pulp, run off to save their asses.

I run towards Dean trying to stabilize him before his knees touches the ground. He holds his wound, the blood stains his white dress shirt. My tears start to fall and I scream calling out for help but the surroundings remain quiet.

LUNA: Dean, stay strong. I'll call an ambulance.

I gently help Dean down so he could sit leaning against the wall. I find my bag lying on the ground, rummaging through I grab my phone and dial for an ambulance.

LUNA: I need an ambulance urgently, my friend has been stabbed please send an ambulance at ***.

I keep glancing at Dean.

LUNA: What!? 20 minutes? No please understand, he's bleeding badly.

I desperately ask them to hurry up but they stick to their time. Frustrated I throw my phone back in my bag and sit beside Dean holding onto him.

LUNA: Dean hold on, the ambulance is on its way.

I wipe off my tears and remove his hair from his forehead. The rising pain makes him groan. 20 minutes is too late, I cannot just sit like this. What should I do....!?


😱😱😱 Dean managed to save Luna once again but got hurt badly 😖😖 Stay tuned to find out what happens next....!

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