Chap 21

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-Luna's POV-

DEAN: I meant for the night...

Sparks fly when I hear him say that. Dean starts to close the distance between us staring right into my eyes.
He holds both of my hands while his thumb draws circles on the back of my hand.

DEAN: I don't think you have any idea how important you've become for me. We have been seeing each other for a while and I realize that the more I see you, the more I want to be with you.
I have realized how much I care for you and my feelings for you are getting stronger each passing day.

My pulse quickens at his unexpected confession. I feel so special at the moment.


He says with pure adoration in his eyes and voice that I instantly feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. I can't believe my ears right now, did he just say that he loves me?? Oh heavensssss.

DEAN: I feel much more than I could express, and I hope you feel the same sensa-
LUNA: I love you too Dean.


He looks taken aback . I smile at his cute reaction.

LUNA: It's true, I've never felt something like this before. I'm sure you're the only reason.

Instead of saying anything further, Dean brings his hand to my cheek cupping it, his sight drops to my lips and then into my eyes again as in asking for permission.

My eyes close involuntarily, slowly he leans in and a tingling fire surges through my body as soon as his lips connect mine. The kiss is slow and full of love. Feels as if my heart's gonna explode now.

Shortly later, we pull away. I instantly look away because I know I would look like a blushing mess right now.

LUNA: I'll.... go to my room....

He smirks before letting me go and I scurry over to the room next door. Shutting the door behind me I exhale deeply. My heart beat is still rapid, I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight.

The sunlight hits my face causing my eyes to flicker open. I check the time and it's 10am. I jump out of bed heading to the bathroom. I already had some spare clothes and the servants provided me with rest of the stuff, on Dean's command.

Descending the stairs I enter the kitchen.

MAIDEN: Good morning dear, hope you slept comfortably.
LUNA: Morning. Yes I did.
MAIDEN: Should I make breakfast for you?
LUNA: No it's ok, I'll make it. Is Dean up?
MAIDEN: No he's still asleep.

I ask her to leave the kitchen to me now as I'm gonna make breakfast for us. Pancakes sound good.

Humming around as I mix the batter, I fail to notice a presence behind me.

DEAN: Someone's up early.
LUNA: And good morning to you too Mr sleepy head.

I turn to look at the man still in his pj's and messy hair. No doubt he still looks hot.

DEAN: So what're you making?
LUNA: Pancakes.
DEAN: But I don't like pancakes.

I pause in my action and look at him astounded.

LUNA: Wha- You....don't...?

Dean shakes his head slowly with his mouth curved down. Dismayed, I drop the mixer in the bowl.

I'm caught by surprise when I feel the cold mixture on my nose along with Dean guffawing beside me. Oh this man is so dead.

LUNA: Deannn!

Without thinking further I dip my fingers in the batter and advance forward targeting his face. His fast reflexes prevent me as he catches my hands in midair. As much as I try to touch his face, I'm unable to as he's much stronger than ne.

LUNA: Let go of my hands Dean Carter!
DEAN(mocks): Try harder Luna Wesley.
LUNA: Are you afraid?

He laughs out loud even more at my scrunched up face and unsuccessful attempts. He suddenly spins me around such that now my back is against his chest and my arms are crossed infront of me as he's still holding onto them.

His face is dangerously close to my ear which makes me gulp.

DEAN(whispers): You know you're really cute.

Goosebumps!! Heat rises to my cheeks, also considering the close proximity between us.

Before he could do or say anything further we hear footsteps approaching and he immediately lets me go backing off.

MAIDEN: Sir, should I-

She stops when she takes in at the view infront of her, ofcourse the kitchen is a little messy, and so are we.

DEAN: After Ms Luna is done bring the breakfast in my room.
MAIDEN: As you say sir.

She bows lightly, Dean exits the kitchen and I wipe off the batter from my face and hands and continue to prepare the breakfast as if nothing happened.

The maiden prepares a few more things while I decorate the pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. Then I carry the tray to his room myself.

I do not find him in the room but faintly hear the water running so I knock on the door of the washroom.

LUNA: Dean? Breakfast is here.

I walk over to the armchair but when I hair the door click open I turn around.

LUNA: What to-

I'm bowled over when I find him standing only in his trousers. What the shucks! I immediately turn back around.

LUNA: Why aren't you dressed yet?

I kinda scold him.

DEAN: I'm in the process.
LUNA: Fine I'll come back in 5.
DEAN: No need. My shirt is right infront you. Can you bring it to me please?

Is he serious??? I know he's doing this on purpose. Ugh. I pick up the shirt and start walking backwards in his direction.

DEAN(chuckles): Are you set up on reverse gear?
LUNA: Just take your shirt.

I extend my arm backwards trying to hand him over his shirt. Instead, he grips on my wrist turning me around abruptly. Ehmmmmmm... He has a smirk plastered on his face with his wet hair reaching to his eye level. My breathing hitches when my eyes lock with his captivating ones.

DEAN: You get flustered so easily.

I break out from my trance and quickly push him into the washroom closing the door. Phew!


Luna & Dean's romance will continue🙈
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