Chap 3

18 6 0

-Luna's POV-

I arrive at office on time and greet everyone as I proceed towards my desk. I hum as I organize and make some space on my desk for an artificial plant pot that I just bought yesterday as a gift for my new job.

 I hum as I organize and make some space on my desk for an artificial plant pot that I just bought yesterday as a gift for my new job

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RILEY: This is cute!

Riley, my colleague whose cubicle is located right beside mine. Although it's only been a week, she's very friendly and kind, unlike some of the other staff here.

LUNA: Hey! Thanks!
RILEY: Did someone gift it to you?
LUNA: Yup! Me to myself.

I give her a cheeky grin. She might think I'm either weird or have no friends.

RILEY: Aahh okay.... Nicee.

I continue working on the design I started creating. After lunch break my phone rings, my face lights up when I check the caller ID.

LUNA: Aunt Jennnnn! How are you? I miss you so much.

I'm too excited to keep my voice low so I get up and walk towards a corner.

<on call>

Aunt Jen: I miss you too my dear. I'm doing fine, what about you?
Luna: I'm doing amazing, you know what? I finally got a proper job at the company I wanted.
Aunt Jen: Oh Congratulations my girl! I'm so happy for you.
Luna: Thank you aunt Jen. Your treat is pending.

She giggles on the other side of the phone.

Aunt Jen: For that you'll have to come to me.
Luna: I know, I've been wanting to come but-
ZACH: Ehm ehm...

Zach, my department head, fake coughs to grab my attention. I withdraw the phone from my ear and look at him.

ZACH: Your break is over I guess, you can't leave your work in the middle for long phony conversations.
LUNA: I'm sorry sir, I'll get back to my work.

He huffed before strutting off. Ugh! Now you know when I said 'unlike some other staff'. He treats me so poorly because I'm a newbie and junior amongst all.

Luna: Aunt Jen I'll visit you soon, I promise. Take care of yourself.
Aunt Jen: Alright honey I'll wait. Stay healthy.
Luna: Love you!

I quickly bid her bye and scurry over to my cubicle.

Aunt Jen's my father's sister who's been taking care of me since I was like 10 years old. She lives in a small town at the outskirts of the city. Her husband died of cancer 7 years ago and she has no children. Aunt Jen played a huge role in building my life for which I'll forever be grateful.

After returning back home, I rest up a bit before turning on the TV. Why hasn't Mia returned home yet? We get off at the same time at 5pm and usually return home in 15 to 20 mins, depending on the traffic. It's currently 7pm, it's her turn to cook and my stomach's growling already. Maybe I should text her and ask.

The door pushes open revealing Mia as soon as I pick up my phone.

LUNA: I was about to text you. Where have you been?

She's smiling ear to ear like crazy as she roams around the house.

LUNA: Helloo?? Are you even listening Mia?

Is she drunk? I go upto her and snap my fingers in front of her face.

LUNA: Back to earth Mia.
MIA(cheerfully): Aaaaaahhhh Lunaaa. I'm so happyyyyyy.

She suddenly starts spinning me with her.

LUNA: Mia you're making me dizzy I'm on empty stomach already.

She stops and quickly makes me sit on the bed.

MIA: You won't believe what happened!

I question her with eager eyes.

MIA: Cole asked me out!!! He took me to this restaurant after work and asked me to be his girlfriend!! He really likes me!!
LUNA: Cole!? The one you've been crushing on for 6 months??

She nods several times.

LUNA: Woah! You're sure lucky! Who knew he would have same feelings for you too.
MIA: I know right!

She beams proudly. After a few moments I realize something.

LUNA: Wait. So you already had you dinner?

She gulps.

LUNA(whines): Then what about me?? I'm starving!
MIA: You know I'm so happy that I'll make you something really delicious. LUNA: Get your ass in the kitchen right now.
MIA: Yes Ma'am.

I wish a good love life to my best friend. I'll be happy to see her happy. This reminds me of Dean. He took my number but didn't text me yet. Maybe he won't why am I waiting?

As soon as I lay on my bed my phone dings.

[Luna's home] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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[Luna's home]

Congratulations to Luna for her permanent job. A little more background on Luna. Don't worry guys the story will pick its pace! Show your support!❤️

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