Chap 2

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-Dean's POV-

For the past few weeks my schedule has been packed. Though my hard work did not go in vain because I won the contract with one of the most successful companies.

As I return to my office room after signing the deal, I comfortably lay in my seat loosening my tie. I sigh cracking my neck before hearing a knock on the door.

DEAN: Come in.
NICK: Sir, these are the copies of all the paperwork for today.

My secretary Nick says as he places the material on my desk.

DEAN: Okay. Oh and Nick? I don't have anything else on my schedule for today right?

He checks on a tablet once more before answering.

NICK: No sir you're free for the day.
DEAN: Great! I'm going to Zen's Art Gallery. You can accompany me if you want.
NICK: Maybe next time. I have some work.

Nick's been my secretary for about 5 years, he's a great guy and my closest acquaintance whom I trust the most in my company.

I quickly fix my suit and we head to our destination I've been yearning to go. I fancy art alot because of which the walls of my house are filled with various art works since I have a penchant for it.

As I leisurely roam around the gallery, my eyes land on a familiar person. My feet make their way towards her while she ardently admires a painting infront of her causing her to fail to notice me standing beside.

I take my chance to study her. Beautiful skin, almond eyes, heart shaped lips and slim nose, overall she has harmonious features.

DEAN: Beautiful isn't it?

She is caught by surprise when she spins her head to look at me.

LUNA: Dean?

Thank Goodness she remembered otherwise it would've been embarrassing.

DEAN: How have you been?
LUNA: Gooood. I had no idea you were into art.
DEAN: I'm really fond of it. Didn't imagine I would run into you here.
LUNA: Yeah what a coincidence.
DEAN: So, who's your favorite artist?
LUNA: Vincent Van Gogh. And yours?
DEAN: Pablo Picasso.
LUNA: Aah I see.

That's the second thing we have in common after dogs. I would really like to know more about her.

DEAN: If you're done we can grab a coffee if you want?
LUNA: Alright I was about to head to a Cafe anyway.

We enter a nearby Cafe and order our drinks before settling at a table.

DEAN: So Luna what do you do?
LUNA: I'm a designer recently got a job at RV, previously I was doing an internship at MAKS.
DEAN: Nicee that's impressive.
LUNA: Thanks. What about you?
DEAN: Try to guess.
LUNA(thinks): Hmm....... Well, I kinda have a hunch.
DEAN: Go ahead.

I place my hand under my chin as I wait for her to give me her first impression on me.

LUNA: Some kind of a rich CEO?
DEAN(amused): Woah, how did you know?
LUNA: Hah! Really? Am I right?
DEAN: Yeahh but how? Was it because of my cool personality and good looks?

I raise my eyebrow teasingly.

LUNA(chuckles): You had a bodyguard with you when we first met and then your car seemed pretty expensive and today you're dressed way too formally for an art gallery visit.
DEAN: You're a close observer aren't you?

I smirk causing her to smile and look away.

DEAN: You know I visit this Cafe everytime after visiting the gallery. I love their Iced Americano
LUNA: No way! I also come here after the gallery too. Their Vanilla latte is my favorite.
DEAN: Wow.

I wish I noticed her before.

DEAN: I feel we could be good friends.
LUNA: What makes you think that?

She smirks crossing her arms.

DEAN: We have smiliar tastes and I like your personality so far.

I try to think of a way to meet her again and I come up with one.

DEAN: I'm gonna take Kevin to the dog park this weekend wanna come along?
LUNA: That's a good idea I've always wanted to go.
DEAN: Done then. Can I have your number in order to communicate?
LUNA: Sure.

I gave her my phone and she inputs her number then hands it over.

DEAN: I'll text you to confirm the place and time.
LUNA: Alright. See you then.
DEAN: See you again soon.

We pass eachother smiles and shake hands before parting ways.


There we go! Another coincidence! Lets look forward to their friendship🤞🏻☺️

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