Chap 18

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-Dean's POV-

I remember how I reacted when I reviewed the file Nick bought to me. We faced a loss in business, although it wasn't that huge but still. One day I haven't been to office and this is what I get! I harshly threw the file across the room, that's when the pain kicked in.

Luna gently rubs my back calming me down when I tell her.

LUNA(mumbles): So the rude guy was his secretary.
DEAN: Did you say something?
LUNA: Uh.. Yeah I was saying that you're not well so don't stress yourself too much.
DEAN: It's not easy, it's related to my business after all.
LUNA: I understand Dean but things could be handled calmly as well.

I give a slight nod then I decide to hold an online meeting with all the responsible members of the company.

LUNA: Kevin is a smart dog. You know he led me here.
DEAN: Really?

We pat Kevin lovingly. That's my boy!

LUNA: Also, too bad your Iced Americano is no more iced.
DEAN(scoffs): I'll still like to have it since you bought it for me but please add some ice before that.

She chuckles before doing as I ask.

-Luna's POV-

After some time when Dean's done with his meeting I go upstairs with his lunch in a tray.

LUNA: Dean it's lunch time, come on get up.

I watch him curling up more in his bed.

LUNA: You can sleep as much as you want later but now you should eat, it's time for your medicine too.

He doesn't budge. I place the tray on a side table then walk closer to him. His eyes are shut tight forming wrinkles on his forehead and I sense him shivering too.

LUNA: Dean?

I lower the covers and place my palm on his forehead. His temperature is high.

LUNA(worried): Dean you're burning.

I quickly call the nurse. He checks his temperature and it's 102°C along with checking his blood pressure.

NURSE: He has fever. He needs to take these medicines till his temperature falls to normal.

He handsover me the medications along with time instructions.

NURSE: Don't give him on empty stomach.
LUNA: Ok I'll make sure of that.

When the nurse leaves I walk over to him and try to wake him up.

LUNA: Dean get up, you need to eat.

He scrunches his face like a child.

LUNA: Please Dean.

Thankfully he sits up. The cook brings in oatmeal and I feed him. His face is paler than before plus no sign of energy in him. Oh poor Dean... I wonder how he manages alone when he's sick.

Nurses and servants cannot take care of you like a close person can.

He takes his medicines after the meal and lays back again drifting off to sleep.

I go into my room leaving him sleep peacefully, the maiden brings me lunch as I completely forgot to eat. I receive a call from Mia, she said that she'll come to meet us after work.

At evening when Dean wakes up I make chicken broth for him.

DEAN: No please, I don't want to.
LUNA: Don't whine like child. Have it if you want to get better.

I sternly say, sursprisingly he finishes it all up without expressing further unwillingness.

Few hours later, Mia and Cole arrive. Mia engulfs me into a bone crushing hug as soon as she seems me.

MIA: Thank goodness you're okay.
LUNA: I might not be now.

I tap her shoulder to release me. She steps away holding my arms now. I wince a little in pain, her eyes widen.

MIA(gasps): You have bruises.

She scans my body for more.

LUNA: They'll heal don't worry.

She looks at me with pity then walks over to Dean and sits beside him expressing her solicitude. We all sit and talk.

COLE: I've filed the report to the police station. Don't worry those bastards will be caught soon.
MIA: Yes and they'll pay for their crime.

Anger becomes visible on Dean's face upon their mention. I put my hand on his to cool down his nerves.

MIA: I saw the money and note. I could've managed since you were distressesd. You didn't had to worry about it.
LUNA: I didn't want to burden you, and it it didn't trouble me at all.
MIA(respectfully): You're a strong woman Luna, I'm so proud of you.

She hugs me one last time before leaving with Cole. They didn't stay for dinner as they didn't want to disturb us for long. That's what they thought but we felt really good when they both visited.

Before dinner, I check Dean's temperature again.

LUNA: Hmm it has gone down to 99°C. Good.

He smiles quietly.

LUNA: Okay now tell me what do you want to eat?
DEAN: How about sushi?
LUNA: Unfortunately, you can't. How about porridge?
DEAN: You love teasing me don't you?
LUNA(giggles): You were being sarcastic too.
DEAN: Fine then make me my new favorite soup.
LUNA: Now that's a good choice. Bringing right up!

-Dean's POV-

It's been 15 days since the accident. Luna goes to work from here and I work from home. The bruise marks on her arms have faded and in the recent visit we paid to the hospital for check up, the doctor stated that the cut on my torso has healed quite much. I no longer need support to move around but still need to take care.

LUNA: Dean?

She gains my attention while I click on the keyboard of my laptop.

DEAN: Hmm?
LUNA: I think I should go back.
DEAN(casually): Okay sure goodnight.
LUNA: I meant, back to my house.

I lift my gaze to look at her.

DEAN: Why?
LUNA: Because you're doing good now and you don't need my assistance anymore.

I agree to that but.....

DEAN: What if I do?
LUNA: I know you don't, even the doctors said that. Plus you can call me whenever, I'll be there righaway.

I don't know what to say, I can't make her stay for longer too as she has own life as well.

LUNA: Don't you dare think I'm fed up of everything and just want to run away.

I laugh at her assumption.

DEAN: Never in my wildest dreams. You can go whenever you feel like, I'll be fine.
LUNA: You promise to take care of yourself like a responsible grown man?
DEAN: I promise ma'am.


Got in trouble together and healed together! Someone's sad that Luna is leaving the house but won't day it.
Plz vote😘

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