Chap 6

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-Luna's POV-

I lightly bob my head to the music playing in my ears along with drawing the designs on the PC. I'm glad I chose the right profession according to my passion. I like working here.

All of a sudden I feel all eyes in the room at me. Perplexed I look to Riley who signals me to look at the right. There stands Zach with a stoic expression. He must be here to announce something important and I didn't even notice his presence. I quickly take off my earphones and mutter a sorry.

ZACH: So as I was saying, we're already working on our winter collection and formals, I need atleast 10 designs from each and everyone of you, give extra attention to the formals. In addition to that, we're also thinking of launching new bags within the same season so brainstorm some ideas for that too.

All of us stare at Zach with mouth agape.

ZACH: No need to look at me like that. That's the requirement and your responsibility is to fulfill it. Don't forget that you work in a top tier brand so it has many competitors too.

Is this his way of giving motivation? He leaves after answering a couple of questions.

RILEY(complains): Do they take us as machines!?

I huff and slump into my seat. I just said I like working here literally few minutes ago.

I make up my mind to visit Aunt Jen today. I inform Mia as soon as I reach home, quickly freshen up and take a train to my hometown. The town is at the outskirts of the city I'm currently living in so it took me about 4 hours.

On my way I buy the most famous lemon cheesecake that her sweet tooth loves. She opens the door once I ring the bell.

LUNA(chimes): Aunt Jennnn!!

I exclaim loudly with happiness and engulf her into a tight hug.

AUNT JEN: Welcome dear.
LUNA: How are youu?
AUNT JEN: How do I look?
LUNA(winks): Beautiful as always.

She's flattered and smacks me playfully. We sit and talk for hours. She prepared so much for dinner and now I regret telling her beforehand. She says it's her love but I didn't want her to tire herself.

AUNT JEN: So.... Has some handsome guy caught your attention by chance yet?
LUNA: Please Aunt Jen.
AUNT JEN: Come on you're beautiful, kind and talented I'm sure men in the city would love you to give them a chance.
LUNA: I don't want to get involved in a relationship right now especially after Ian, I just can't get swayed away from my dreams....

I say as I dry my hands after doing the dishes. Aunt Jen senses my sadness and holds my hand.

AUNT JEN: A right partner will never drag you down. I want you to follow your heart in these matters and discover happiness again.

She kisses my forehead. It's already late so she doesn't let me travel back so I stay for the night, thank God I packed a few of my essentials. I return back home the next day after breakfast.

-Dean's POV-

It's been two hours and I can feel a headache kick in. Today, I gathered my employees to present their ideas for the upcoming project. Much to my dismay this is not what I expected.

DEAN: Nick? What is all this? How can you allow them to present this crap to me!?

I whisper yell at him totally irked because of my team. Standing up I sigh loudly running my head into my hear.

DEAN: Everyone! What do you think you all are doing? Do you seriously expect me to present this trash infront of my clients? Have you forgotten who they are? This is certainly not the level of work Carter's Cooperation does! It didn't even meet my standards do you really think they will approve all of this?

I bend putting my palms on the table to emphasize on what I'm about to say.

DEAN: This party means a lot to my company, I will not tolerate such poor performance! You still have three days before presenting it to the clients so start working harder on this project.

I take a last sharp glance at the heads hanging low infront of me before exiting the meeting room.

Upon reaching my room I loosen my tie and massage my temples. Nick followed me here.

NICK: I'm sorry sir.
DEAN: Nick this was your responsibility. The entire team was under your management and this is what I receive. I'm utterly disappointed.

I say honestly, I don't know what's wrong with Nick he wasn't this irresponsible and perfunctory before.

I may look austere but I'm not this harsh normally. I'm a little obstinate when it comes to work especially regarding this deal because it could bring tremendous benefits to my business.

[Dean's Office] _______________________________________

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[Dean's Office]

-Luna's POV-

The next day I stayed indoors and worked in order to stay ahead of schedule. At night, I take a long hot bath to beat fatigue, have dinner and plop on bed to get a good sleep.

Seconds after I close my eyes my phone rings. I pick up without checking the caller ID.

<On call>

Luna: Hello?
Dean: Hi Luna?

I immediately recognize his voice.

Luna: Dean? Hey!
Dean: Were you asleep?
Luna: I was about to.
Dean: Oh. I just wanted to talk it's been so long since we last did.
Luna: Yeah. But it's ok you can be busy.
Dean: Right. The workload has increased these days because of a new deal so I hardly get time for anything else after I get home, I straight up go to bed.
Luna: Aww poor Kevin.
Dean(chuckles): That's kind of you to be concerned about him but what about me? He atleast has servants who take care of him all the time.
Luna(giggles): You're a grown up man Mr Dean.
Dean: Sure I am. You tell what are you upto these days?
Luna: The same. The workload on us has increased too due to the rising demand from the market. I'm ready to spend the rest of my weekend resting at home.
Dean: Sounds relaxing.
Luna: I know right.

Right after that a yawn escapes both of our mouths causing us to break into laughter.

Luna(laughs): I guess we both should sleep now.
Dean(laughs): Yeah probably. Sleep well Luna...
Luna: Sleep well Dean...

He hangs up. That was so sweet of him to call just because he missed talking to me. What a pleasant start to my day, no I mean night.


Just another day in the life of Luna and Dean, with a little addition of having a phony convo nowadays.😊

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