Chap 10

11 3 0

-Luna's POV-

We decided on lunch. Mia and I texted the location and time to our respective guys.

MIA: What're you gonna wear today?

She asks lying on my bed swinging her legs.

LUNA: This.

I show her my outfit.

MIA: Huh for real?
LUNA: Yeah.... Why? Is something wrong with this dress?
MIA: My dear friend were going out on a 'date'.
LUNA: I'm aware.
MIA: Nevermind, let me pick for you.

She rummages through my wardrobe.

MIA: Why can't I find a proper outfit for today?
LUNA: Stop exaggerating Mia.
MIA: Let's go shopping we still have time.
LUNA: Wha- No. What I have is fine. Please don't force me.
MIA: Ugh fine...

I don't want to waste money buying unnecessary clothes, I need to save up. Plus I'm a designer I have excellent fashion sense, Mia just wanted me to wear something new.

LUNA: Shall we leave now?
MIA: Yeah let's go.

We reach our destination earlier than given time and take our seat at our reserved table. Cole becomes the first to arrive.

MIA: Hi Cole!
COLE: Hi my girl!

They hug and Cole kisses her forehead. He then notices me and offers a handshake.

COLE: Oh hello, you must be Luna.
LUNA: That's right. How're you?
COLE: Amazing and you?
LUNA: I'm good too.

We sit down once again.

COLE: So you're a designer too?
LUNA: Yup.
MIA: How nice we're all in the same field.

We nod in response. Mia then mouths me to know about Dean's whereabouts. I text Dean and he instantly replies that he's already here.

COLE: Where's your boyfriend Luna?
LUNA: Oh he's here, and he's just a friend.
MIA(smirks): Yet.

Shortly afterwards Dean approaches our table.

DEAN: Sorry to keep you wai-

He stops mid sentence gaping at..... Cole? Even Cole stands up holding the same surprised expression on his face. Mia and I look between them and then at eachother totally befuddled.

DEAN: Cole?
COLE: Dean?

They speak at the exact same time. We also stand up in anxiousness? Don't tell me are they enemies or something? Suddenly both of them start grinning like a Cheshire cat.

DEAN: Hey bro!
COLE: What a surprise!

They do a bro hug.

DEAN: Hey Luna! And you must be Mia.

He extends his hand towards Mia and she takes it in a slow motion still puzzled.

LUNA: One sec, you guys know each other?
COLE: Yup.

He says proudly popping the 'p'.

DEAN: We're childhood friends. Remember I told you I have only one friend and that's him.

My mouth forms an 'o' shape.

MIA: Waaiiittt. So our boy friends are friends and we had no idea?
COLE: This is crazy!
LUNA: Even you guys didn't know that Mia and I are friends?
DEAN: We never really mentioned your names to eachother so we had no clue. Otherwise, we could've connected the dots.
MIA: Woah mann this is just as great! I'm glad we met like this.

We all nod then place our orders and continue our conversation over lunch.(Arrangemet; Dean sits beside Luna, Cole sits beside Mia, Luna and Mia face eachother, Cole and Dean face eachother)

DEAN: How did you both meet?

He refers to Mia and Cole. Mia gets the opportunity to tell her tale and she starts jabbering while Cole looks her in adoration. Aww.

COLE: And what about you both?

The thought makes Dean and I chuckle lightly.

LUNA: Kevin played the role.

I look at the person next to me and our eyes meet. He smiles before bringing his thumb to my lip wiping off something gently. Oops that must be cream from the cheesecake I just ate. His touch pauses my breathing for that mere moment. I look away causing my hair to fall on my face to hide the pink tint growing on my cheeks.

Where was I? Oh yeah I was telling our story, I remind myself. I continue and at the same time feel a pair of eyes especially staring at me ardently.

LUNA:......... so that's how we became friends.

I finish off and look at Dean who was listening with his head rested on his hand.

We talk a little further and get to know each other more. Cole is a great guy, he may look cold from the outside but he's really a softie, a perfect match for Mia.

The two gentlemen didn't let us pay the bill despite the fact that we planned this.

COLE: We can drop you off.
MIA: Alright. Come on Luna let's go.
DEAN: Actually..... Luna and I have other plans.

I look at him confused, why wasn't I informed. I understand to remain silent when he gives me a look.

MIA: Ooo, ok then. It was nice meeting you Dean and see you at home Luna.
DEAN: Likewise.
COLE: Ok then bro bye. It was nice meeting you Luna.
LUNA: Same here.

When they both drive off. I immediately turn towards Dean?

LUNA: May I know what 'other plans' we have?
DEAN: Uh sure. I'll teach you driving.
LUNA: What??

I definitely did not expect that.

DEAN: Yeah.... I mean... today's perfect, no? We both are free and I promised to teach you, so sooner or later I have to.

He says scratching the back of his neck and I raise my eyebrow. I can sense his hesistance. Bet he came up with it right now.

LUNA: Uhh...... Ok sure.

He takes me to a wide unoccupied parking area and switches seats with me.

LUNA: Are you sure you want me to drive this car?
DEAN: Yeah why?
LUNA(panics): Dean it's my first time, what if I hit it somewhere?
DEAN: You won't, I'm here to guide you.
LUNA: But still it's such an expensive car, what if-
DEAN: First of all, you need to stop panicking. Second of all, we'll go through the basics for now. Next time when you drive you can choose the car yourself. Ok?
LUNA: Hmm okay.

He goes ahead introducing basics of driving. I pay full attention to each and every word he says and try to memorize it.


Wooowwww!! Another coincidence, four friends connected in some way🙃. Thanks for your consistent support thru votes, I love you all!!❤️😘

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